Call of Duty: Warzone 2 Glitch allows players to execute teammates

There is a new glitch in the 2v2 Gulag
Although Call of Duty: Warzone 2 has had its share of flaws, the most recent one allows players to betray their teammates to the utmost degree. Call of Duty: Warzone 2 has already encountered a lot of bugs and glitches, both of the visual and game-breaking variety, as a continually changing live-service title.
The experience has been generally smooth aside from the horrible error that entirely locked players out of Warzone 2 close to launch. One player discovered a strange bug inside the Gulag that, if left unfixed, may cause issues for teammates.
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Players can execute their teammates in the 2v2 gulag due to a Call of Duty: Warzone 2 glitch

A player by the name of Kazukii18 uploaded a brief video clip of a Gulag showdown they were involved in over on the official Call of Duty Warzone subreddit. This updated Warzone 2 Gulag offers a 2v2 encounter in which the victorious team receives a redeployment of both players.
Although cooperation among teammates is essential for success, Kazukii18 identified a startling glitch that let them kill a teammate in the middle of a game. Kazukii’s teammate quickly turned away in the same area as the final enemy after appearing to have defeated their opponents. The game essentially made Kazukii’s character enter the execution animation on his friend after getting the melee kill, presumably forgetting that he wasn’t an enemy player.
Both of the winning characters were, thankfully, redeployed, so there was no harm done. However, it is still unclear why it occurred in the first place. Many remarks on the Call of Duty: Warzone forum make light of Kazukii’s alleged triple kill or ultimate treachery.

Some people believe that because the other player was redeployed after the contest concluded, they were marked as an enemy. In any case, the video has been marked as a problem in the hopes that a developer may discover it and offer a remedy in the future.
Even if faults and glitches occasionally appear, many players have already started to experiment with changing the Warzone experience into something new and original. While fans frequently share videos of unexpected events or amazing accomplishments, some have chosen to push gaming in innovative directions, like the Warzone player who served as an ‘Uber’ driver for other players.
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