Call of Duty: Warzone 2 players find DMZ Stickers “underwhelming”

DMZ in Warzone 2
While some players seem to be enjoying the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 DMZ mode, many are complaining about the stickers they were able to obtain by playing the new mode that was added with the sequel. Even though there is a lot to discover in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 DMZ, some players prefer the cosmetics of the multiplayer or battle royale modes to the game mode that combines PvE and PvP.
A number of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 gamers have criticized the stickers obtained while playing DMZ, including Reddit user ASpunkyMonkey. This is in contrast to the well-established game modes available in the different playlists.
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Call of Duty: Warzone 2 community isn’t impressed by DMZ stickers

As they complete in-game tasks for more upgrades like calling cards, emblems, stickers, and more, players of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 can advance via weapon levels, profile ranks, and battle pass tiers. While many fans of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 have appreciated the unlockable content available in their respective modes, DMZ gamers like ASpunkyMonkey are less enthusiastic about the new feature.
Many DMZ players are underwhelmed by the sticker they receive after performing 1,000 DMZ extractions, which is essentially a Call of Duty prestige insignia in the nature of a weapon cosmetic despite being praised by some as the biggest grind in Warzone 2. At the 70 DMZ extraction stage, according to ASpunkyMonkey’s Reddit post, the progression is “underwhelming.”
This leaves the player with many more triumphs to complete than those they have previously achieved. A screenshot of ASpunkyMonkey’s progress in DMZ stickers in the game reveals that the majority of them are similar and have ten stickers with one of two emblems that gradually increase in level starting at level 7 in Roman numerals.
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Up to 1,000 DMZ extractions, the pattern of only receiving stickers with new emblems every few levels persists, making it a less appealing grind for some players than earning the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Orion weapon camouflage or all the calling cards. While many DMZ players find the cosmetics offered in the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 game mode to be disappointing, others have argued that it’s a fair unlock for leaving the DMZ rather than coming out on top in a battle royale fight.
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