Creative 2.0 brings Call of Duty map Rust to Fortnite
Creative 2.0 adds classic Call of Duty map Rust to Fortnite.

Fortnite Creative 2.0 brings Call of Duty style map Rust to the game
The Fortnite Creative 2.0 has been widely popular since its release, offering players endless gaming possibilities. Recently, the community has created a Call of Duty map that brings the classic FPS gameplay to Fortnite, showcasing the versatility of the Creative mode. The map, called “Modern Fortfare,” includes the iconic Rust and Shipment multiplayer maps known for their fast-paced, close-quarters action.
To play this new Creative map, players need to complete a few steps. Creator @MistJawaYT released the Rust and Shipment map code built with the all-new Creative 2.0 feature. Players can use the Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) to create new experiences or remake other popular games within Fortnite.
Related: How to Play New Fortnite Huge IQ Escape Room in Creative with Code
Players can now play CoD map Rust in Fortnite Creative 2.0

Fortnite Creative 2.0 dropped and the community welcomed it with open arms. With the usage of Unreal Engine 5 community members can now create various maps and we have already seen how some of they look. The Rust from Call of Duty and Shipment are great examples of the new wave of Fortnite maps. Players can now log in and try these maps out in various game modes from like Desert Domination.
Enter Island code to play Rust in Fortnite

Players can access these maps through codes. After getting into the game menu, they need to enter the map code for Rust 8035-1519-2959. You can enter through the Discover tab but if that is not available than scroll down enter the code in Island Code slot.
The game mode Dester Domination is a classic game mode from Call of Duty. Gamers of who play both games will recognize the map, Rust. Set in a quarry like environment the map is full of construction work and elevated structures.
In Domination players will be divided into two groups and need to take control of 3 positions and keep hold of them. Players need to have a fast approach when tackling this game mode. If you lose one area you need to take it back quickly in order to gain points. The most challenging part of the mode is keep holding of the control points. The opponent team will try their level best to get it back, so you have to be on your toes all the time.
The game finishes once one side reaches the goal point. Apart from Domination there are lots of other great maps and game modes that Creative 2.0 can add in the game. The Unreal engine has certainly changed the way on how players will now approach Fortnite. The rendering of graphics and small real world like details adds to the aesthetics of the game. As community members keep on experimenting with the Unreal editor the future looks bright for Fortnite and the gaming fraternity.
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