Dr DisRespect rallies behind TimTheTatman claiming ‘SBMM’ to be a multiplayer game killer

Dr DisRespect and TimTheTatman
Call of Duty will soon be entering its new era with the launch of Modern Warfare and Warzone Mobile but the issue of SBMM (skill based match-making) remains persistent, which has now been highlighted by Dr DisRespect as well as TimTheTatman, who are renowned CoD players.
After Timothy ‘TimTheTatman’ Betar called out Activision for their SBMM feature, warning that he is considering not to stream their upcoming game, Dr DisRespect took to Twitter to sarcastically hit out at people supporting the mentioned feature.
If a Twitter post wasn’t enough, the Two-Time decided to rage on his YouTube channel ripping apart the ‘clueless idiots’ who are not able to understand the impact of skill based matchmaking. He was quoted saying, “All these little gremlins pop out of nowhere, right these clueless idiots just pop out of nowhere.”
He continued his sarcastic tone lashing out at the players supporting ‘SBMM’ claiming asking them to “shut the f**k up” for those who feel that skill based matchmaking is an issue for streamers and content creators only.
Dr DisRespect and TimTheTatman vehemently oppose SBMM

SBMM which is the acronym for skill based matchmaking is a feature prevalent in major multiplayer titles such as Call of Duty, Apex Legends and more. The feature brings a matchmaking algorithm in the game which sets up players of higher ranks against players holding the same rank.
Several streamers, especially focusing on Call of Duty have raised this issue in the community as they feel that streaming a gameplay which features the same ranked players makes it a competitive gameplay rather than making it entertaining.
Veteran streamer TimTheTatman had brought out the issue, even announcing that he might not be streaming Call of Duty’s upcoming title due to this feature as he feels that, “SBMM is, I dare say, killing video games.”
Call of Duty players are against Dr DisRespect’s views
Herschel ‘Dr DisRespect’ Guy Beahm is a constant critic of Call of Duty and often fans agreed with him but this time around, it seems that the scenario is quite different. Users are advising the streamer to ‘man up and deal with it’ as it helps low ranked players to enjoy their game.
Another user wrote that SBMM is good for ranked matches only whereas casual lobbies or unranked matches should remove this feature and make it for entertainment purpose only.