How to complete the Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention SBC?

How to complete the Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention SBC?

Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention (image via.

FIFA 22 has introduced some great SBCs to complete today and the TOTY event has been coming with full swing. Here is how to complete the Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention SBC and get the players item.

FIFA 22 TOTY or Team of the Year event is one of the most eventful promo events in the game and features many new player items. These player items will be massively upgraded because they are the best players from the previous year. Along with the TOTY Team XI and the 12th man, many honourable mentions have been released as special player items in the game for today.

Here is how to get the Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention player item.

Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention

Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22
Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mentions (image via.

The Honourable mentions are cards which did not make the official TOTY Team, but are added as player items because of their amazing performance. This card has the great OVR rating of 89 and great stats in Pace and Shooting.

Related: Cristiano Ronaldo Wins FIFA 22 TOTY 12th Man vote: Release dates in packs revealed!

The complete stats for the card are:

  • Pace: 92
  • Shooting: 90
  • Passing: 76
  • Dribbling: 89
  • Defending: 52
  • Physical: 88

SBCs to complete

A total of 3 SBCs will be needed to be completed to get the Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention player cards. The following tasks need to be completed:

Tactical Emulation

  • Minimum 1 players from Inter
  • Minimum 1 IF players
  • Minimum 84 Squad rating
  • Minimum 75 Team Chemistry
  • 11 players in the squad


  • Minimum 1 players from Argentina
  • Minimum 1 In Form players
  • Minimum 85 Squad rating
  • Minimum 70 Team Chemistry
  • 11 players in the squad

Serie A TIM

  • Minimum 1 players from Serie A TIM
  • Minimum 86 Squad Rating
  • Minimum 65 Team Chemistry
  • 11 players in the squad
YouTube video
YouTube: Inception FC

The approximate cost for completing these SBCs will be around 250000 FUT coins. However, the costs will be slightly reduced using the fodder in your inventory.

This is a non-repeatable SBC and can only be completed once in 30 days of its runtime. Upon completion, the players can avail the Lautaro Martinez FIFA 22 Honourable Mention player item.

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