Fortnite: How to complete the Chrome Punk Quests under Fortnitemares 2022

Fortnite: How to complete the Chrome Punk Quests under Fortnitemares 2022

The day has finally arrived for Fortnite to drop the FortniteMares 2022 update. The Update is packed with cosmetic collaborations and new game themes and a mythic item that turns you into a werewolf. 

With a variety of game modes to choose from and the action-packed new Halloween theme, those 8 hours of Fortnite will be a piece of cake. This update has brought some of the most amazing skins to date. We have many skins the Evil dead one, Rick and Morty collab, and some other custom skins as well but the skin that everyone has their eyes on is the Chrome punk skin. Who doesn’t love free skins?  Fire Monkey took to his Twitter to leak a few early details about the Chrome Punk Quest.

READ MORE: Fortnitemares 2022: How to get the Chrome Punk skin for free in Fortnite?

How to complete the Fortnite Chrome Punk Quest

Fortnite Chrome punk skin

Fortnite added the Chrome punk skin challenge with the Halloween update and with a little effort players will be able to get their hand on the chrome punk skin along with a Graveyard Rave loading screen and a Chromeseed Backbling. Here are all the details about the Chrome Punk Quest.

READ MORE: Fortnite v22.20 Update Brings With it Fortnitemares, New Skins, and More

This challenge is divided into 3 parts and the only thing that you need to do is level up your gaming account. The first milestone is getting 10 levels and you will be rewarded a Chromeseed Backbling on getting 25 account levels will get a Graveyard rave loading skin screen and by earning 50 whole levels you will get a free Chrome punk skin. This might as well be the best offer for people who are in the lower levels as leveling up will be much easier for them. As for the players who are above 100 level, they might have to sit on that Fortnite grind because the quests alone will not cut it for them. As for how long this challenge is going to last is not certain but it is safe to say that this will come to end with the Halloween season which is by 1st November.

YouTube video

FortniteMares 2022 has just dropped and has given us a lot of new content. We have many new quests and a lot of rewards for completing the same. Completing these quests will help you get those extra points to level up your account faster to get the exclusive chrome punk skin. The rewards contain A banner, a music pack, a loading screen, a gun trail, and a spray and if you complete all the quests, you will be rewarded a few bonus rewards.

The Chrome Punk Quest will require you to level up 50 times to give you access to the exclusive skin though this is not the easiest of challenges 50 levels might be a lot but to get the skin you might have to sit down and play Fortnite to your heart’s content.

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