Genshin Impact 2.5 update leaks reveal Yae Miko does not have a concurrent banner

Yae Miko will not have a concurrent banner
As we inch closer towards the new update, some new Genshin Impact 2.5 update leaks have been doing rounds the internet which reveal that the 5 star Inazuma character, Yae Miko will not have a concurrent banner. This article explains the details of a concurrent banner and other details of Yae Miko’s banner.
Genshin Impact 2.5 update leaks have given much needed details and most of them have been confirmed too, thanks to the data miners that we were able to know about the upcoming events and new characters of Genshin Impact. Among all the leaks revealed, Yae Miko is the most awaited one as MiHoYo continues to buff the abilities of the character, making her almost an overpowered DPS in the game.
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Genshin Impact 2.5 update leaks: Yae Miko’s banner details

While MiHoYo mainly focused on Liyue characters in the current update, it is going to add several Inazuma characters in the next update as these characters will prove crucial to the game’s story. One such Inazuma character that was confirmed by the developers was Yae Miko, also known as the Guuji Shrine. Although earlier Genshin Impact 2.5 update leaks indicated that she will be launched along with Raiden Shougun, recent leaks suggest otherwise.
A prominent leaker of Genshin Impact has revealed that Yae Miko will not have any concurrent banner. In simple terms, it refers that Yae Miko will have her own banner and no other character will get a rerun with her banner. As per leaks, she is going to be first banner of the 2.5 update.
It can be expected that Yae Miko’s signature weapon Kagura’s Verity will also feature with her character banner. The first phase of the new update will feature Yae Miko’s banner only. Therefore, the earlier trend of releasing another previous 5 star character with the new character will not be seen in the new update, as per Genshin Impact 2.5 update leaks.
Other leaks given by data miners also seem to confirm Lumie’s revelation. Raiden Shougun, another 5 star character with the Electro banner might rerun with Sangonomiya Kokomi in the second phase of 2.5 update. The rerun of Raiden Shougun seems likely as the story will be heavily based around her. As a result, Kazuha rerun might be seen in 2.6 update.

Yae Miko has been heavily buffed as per the Genshin Impact 2.5 update leaks. Her constellation names and her base ATK DMG has been increased to make her a DPS character. Yae’s signature weapon, Kagura’s Verity has also been buffed.
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