Genshin Impact leaks provide partial information on upcoming characters Faruzan, Dottore and Kaveh

Faruzan, Dottore and Kaveh's information in Genshin Impact
A lot of characters from Sumeru remain unreleased as we now stand close to the second phase of the Genshin Impact 3.1 update. While we soon might be getting another Hydro character Nilou, several units which are rumored to be playable are having bits and pieces of their information getting circulated on the community.
When Sumeru was in its initial days of release, the beta game files mentioned a total of 15 characters that are expected to become playable eventually as Lumine or Aether becomes a Sumeru Traveler. With each new update, we are provided with some interesting information on upcoming characters.
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Genshin Impact: Faruzan, Dottore and Kaveh’s information LEAKED

The 3.2 update’s beta version is currently going on with details on the upcoming characters, Nahida and Layla being already revealed. The respective 5-star and 4-star characters will join the Traveler’s party in the month of November as Genshin Impact will conclude its anniversary update on early November.
Keeping Nahida and Layla aside, there are a lot of characters that were rumored to become playable and it now seems that the information might be true after all. One of those characters is Faruzan who was leaked to become playable with Scaramouche in the 3.3 update.
A recent leak has revealed that Faruzan will be a 4-star Anemo bow user that will most likely be showcased during the 3.3 beta version. Her combat abilities might work similar to Sucrose or the Anemo Traveler but this information is subject to change.
As for Dottore who was officially revealed during the Fatui Harbinger video and 3.1 update’s promotional video, it is rumored that his character model will appear soon as he is going to be a part of the Sumeru Archon Quest. Dottore seems to be a crucial character who might break banners upon his release.
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Last but the least is Kaveh, Al-Haitham’s roommate. Genshin Impact leaks consider him to be a Dendro 5-star character who will appear in the same Archon Quest. Moreover, Kaveh will have some interesting voice lines with Al-Haitham, which the players shouldn’t miss at any cost.
Kaveh’s fan art became heavily popular recently with many leakers considering it to be almost accurate to the real appearance of the character. However, players should wait a little more till we get the Genshin Impact 3.2 update in order to take a look at Al-Haitham’s roommate.
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