How to join the beta test recruitment of Genshin Impact 2.8 update?

Genshin Impact 2.8 beta test
The 2.6 update of Genshin Impact is soon going to hit its second phase bringing the banner of Kamisato Ayaka and 5-star weapons in Epitome Invocation. Amidst this, the developers have commenced with issuing the forms for Genshin Impact 2.8 beta test recruitment. This article shall explain the whole signing up process for the upcoming beta program of the game.
Before releasing every update, the developers usually invite some players to join their beta test program and test out the stability in different servers after introducing new features such as new characters and enemies.
Read More: Genshin Impact reveals the weapon banner for the second phase of 2.6 update
Genshin Impact 2.8 update beta test recruitment
It can be undoubtedly said that the data miners are constantly trying to dig in for new information for every patch as we already have the entire kit of Yelan and Shinobu, the respective 5 and 4 star characters for the upcoming update of the game. However,a little information is available for the 2.8 update which is still months away.
Some alert fans have brought out this information that the beta test recruitment for the 2.8 update has commenced and players can start filling the application forms. However, for filling the application form, Travelers need to join the official Discord server of Genshin Impact.

As the official server of the game is engaged most of the times, players might face some difficulty in joining the server. Moreover, the chances of being selected for the Genshin Impact 2.7 update beta test program are very less as random players are selected for the program.
While filling out the form, players should provide the correct details of their Adventure Rank, their Spiral Abyss completion as well as their unique in-game ID. All of these details must be provided accurately. Moreover, to ensure that no leaks occur during the program, players will also be made to sign an agreement.

The beta test application for the Genshin Impact 2.8 update is going to conclude on 15th April, therefore, players should remember to apply on time if they wish to know the details on the upcoming characters and weapons.
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