Top 5 best team comps for Ganyu in Genshin Impact

Ganyu best team compositions
Ganyu in Genshin Impact is often referred as an overpowered DPS character whose charged attacks are enough to deal with nominal enemies. However, Ganyu’s reliance on her bow often leaves her at a disadvantage, players can therefore, look at the best team comps for Ganyu in Genshin Impact.
Ganyu’s banner got a rerun in Genshin Impact 2.4 update along with Zhongli. As she is considered one of the strongest DPS characters in the game, many players decided to pull for her. Her Cryo vision along with her insane abilities deal a huge damage to the enemies. Furthermore, Ganyu is perhaps the only DPS character that requires little or almost no investment. Players should focus on building a DPS or Sub DPS unit in order to make the most out of Ganyu.
Best team comps for Ganyu in Genshin Impact
1) Ganyu-Shenhe-Diona-Kazuha

This team composition is one of the best for building Ganyu as a DPS unit. Shenhe is a newly released 5 star Cryo character who can be built as a Sub DPS unit. Shenhe will add a lot of Cryo DMG, freezing the enemies for a considerable period of time. With Kazuha, players can destroy the Cryo resistance of the enemies if they use the Viridescent set on him. On the other hand, Diona can heal the characters as a lot of energy will be shredded off as well as use Shenhe’s quills.
2) Ganyu-Xiangling-Bennet-Zhongli

For building a melt team composition, players can use the above mentioned characters. Xiangling is one of the most versatile Pyro users who when paired with Bennet can deal a huge damage. Players should remember to keep their elemental bursts ready as Ganyu’s charged shots can defeat the enemies in an instant. On the other hand, keeping a strong shield user like Zhongli, will help Ganyu to focus her charged shots.
3) Ganyu-Kazuha-Bennet-Zhongli

Another melt team composition for Ganyu in Genshin Impact will be pairing Anemo characters with Support Pyro and lastly, choosing a shield user like Zhongli. While rotating these characters, players first need to apply Cryo and then using Bennet’s burst without hitting the target. Lastly, they should use the elemental skill of Kazuha to swirl the Cryo element on the enemy followed with his burst to infuse the Pyro aura on your active character.
4) Ganyu-Mona-Diona-Venti
One of the most popular team chosen for Ganyu in Genshin Impact is using her with a Cryo character and then giving constant Hydro application to leave the enemies at a disadvantage. Lastly, using an Anemo character like Venti will be helpful when you face a multiple number of enemies. This team deals a huge AoE DMG as well as keeps multiple enemies under control.
5) Ganyu-Ayaka-Kokomi-Kazuha

Players often wonder who deals the most Cryo DMG on enemies, Ganyu or Ayaka. Well, players can choose both of them to make your enemies immovable. The amount of damage dealt by this team is humongous and moreover, the team rotation is quite easy. Players can use the abilities of Ganyu and Ayaka and then finally swirling the DMG through Kazuha. This team has an overall enormous damage potential.
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