How to use the Stupefy spell in Hogwarts Legacy?
Get out of tricky positions by using the Stupefy Spell in Hogwarts Legacy.

Avalanche Software has done a tremendous job in crafting fighting mechanics in Hogwarts Legacy. You can use spells, potions, and other dodging mechanics while fighting trolls or other bad wizards. Hogwarts Legacy features a wide range of spells. Among these spells, the Stupefy spell is one you will often use while playing the game. You might have seen Dumbledore and other characters using this spell in the Harry Potter movies.
The spell performs exactly what it says it would do; it temporarily paralyzes enemies so you can deal damage to them easily. Stupefy cannot be cast at any moment in Hogwarts Legacy, in contrast to other spells. Stupefy can only be used in certain situations, which has confused some witches and wizards.
Here’s how you can use the Stupefy spell during battles in Hogwarts Legacy.
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Using the Stupefy spell in Hogwarts Legacy

As mentioned earlier, you can just instantaneously use the Stupefy spell rather it is a counterspell in Hogwarts Legacy. The Stupefy spell is combined with Protego, a popular charm that shields the caster from danger with an invisible shield that reflects spells and deflects physical attacks. During combat, you will see a glowing indicator around your head briefly when enemies attack you. In this frame of time, you need to cast the Protego spell to block the oncoming damage.
You need to hold the button for the Protego spell which is by default “Q” in PC, Triangle/Y on the controller. You must focus on one enemy and push your basic spell cast button while still holding the Protego spell button. Your character will cast Stupefy spell on the targetted enemy. Holding the Protego button as long as you can while attacking with Stupefy is the most important factor to keep in mind. Players often forget this point and just launch a simple attack.
It’s crucial to master this fundamental spell because you’ll need it for the more difficult encounters, especially in the harder settings where every hit has the potential to be fatal. You can also take on a series of Side Quests called the Crossed Wands side quest, where you’ll fight other students.
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