In the future season of Halo Infinite, the Champion Rank will be included

In the future season of Halo Infinite, the Champion Rank will be included

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Halo Infinite 343 Industries is introducing a new rank for gamers to work for. The creators confirmed the restoration of the Champion rating this week, noting that they have listened to fan complaints over the lack of a mode above Onyx. However, there is no indication of when the Champion rank will be implemented, though 343 has stated that it will.

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The addition of the Champion rank to Halo Infinite was confirmed in the newest Halo Infinite insights published by 343 this week. The devs offered a quick Q&A at the bottom of the post where they answered some of the top issues and concerns from the community, giving a better peek at the innerworkings of the game’s ranked experience.

The final of these repeated some of the criticisms that Onyx was at the top of the rankings, with 343 stating that the rated ceiling will be adjusted in the upcoming season.

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343 Industries statement about Halo Infinite champion rank

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About the plans to add a Champion rank, 343 Industries said, “We hear this feedback loud and clear, and we’ll be implementing it in a future season down the line.”

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The Champion rank described in the post was also present in Halo 5, when it was placed above Onyx. Unlike the other ranks, which were filled with as many players as fit within their restrictions, Champion was naturally more exclusive, housing only the top 200 Halo players.

The top 500 players in Halo Infinite may have more or less room in Champion rank, but we won’t know for sure until the game’s makers are ready to implement the feature.

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