Minecraft Championship (MCC) 27 Underdogs concludes, Purple Pandas grabbing the win

Minecraft Championship (MCC) 27 Underdogs concludes, Purple Pandas grabbing the win

November 12 was the Minecraft Championship (MCC) tournament, which saw 10 teams battle it out in a set of mini games in order to decide a winner for the month. This event was specially sought after because of a special twist. The name of the event was ‘Underdogs’, which meant that the people who participated in the championship were all players who hadn’t ever won the MCC. The event was also proclaimed to be half canonical, meaning their stats and scores throughout the game are not counted, except the overall canon MCC scores. The winners of the Championship were still promised a special MCC coin to commemorate their win.

YouTube video
Some of the best plays in Minecraft Championship 27

The 40 players played through the MCC, participating in 8 Minecraft mini games in order to test their teamwork, parkour skills, communication etc. After a competitive round of these 8 games, the 2 teams that had scored the highest across all 8 games advanced further into a dodge bolt finale duel, whose winner would be claimed the champion of the 27th Minecraft Championship Underdogs special event. The dodgebolt duel was the final decider of the winner, regardless of the amount of coins etc. they had earned throughout the games.

Purple Pandas emerged victorious in Minecraft championship 27. Credits : Twitter

The dodgebolt duel is basically the 2 teams trying to eliminate each other. They are only allowed to use bows and arrows to do so. The main objective is to survive the attacks by the opposing team, whilst simultaneously eliminating their team 3 times, with the other 8 teams spectating the match.

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Who won the Minecraft Championship ?

The Purple Pandas and the Cyan Coyotes were the ones who battled it out at the dodgebolt duel. The purple pandas reached the finale, being on top almost throughout the event, while the Coyotes dropped and raised till they ultimately claimed victory in Meltdown which gave them a huge coin lead of 2,000. Finally, after a long duel, the Purple Pandas won it with a 2 point lead, and the Minecraft championship ended 3-1. The Purple Pandas team was made up of Blushi; FireBreathMan; Bdubs and impulseSV who were of course, the first time winners of the Minecraft Championship. It can be seen in the minigame rankings that purple pandas were bound to win, considering they won 5 of the minigames, with Cyan Coyotes, Orange Ocelots and Red Rabbits winning one each.

TGTTOSAWAF – Purple Pandas

Battle Box – Purple Pandas

Ace Race – Purple Pandas

Grid Runners – Red Rabbits

Meltdown – Cyan Coyotes

Hole in the Wall – Purple Pandas

Parkour Tag – Orange Ocelots

Sands of Time – Purple Pandas

Dodgebolt – Purple Pandas defeat Cyan Coyotes 3-1

The Purple Pandas sure won this one, and it was an amazing event to spectate. Now we have to wait one more month, for new teams, new minigames, and new winners. Minecraft Championship still remains one of the greatest event organized by the developers, and we can’t wait to see what happens in the next one.

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