“Holy sh*t! That’s pretty good”: MoistCr1tikal taken aback by AI-generated xQc artwork

MoistCr1tikal and xQc
Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel has been the most popular streamer on Twitch for a long time, amassing more than 20 million hours watched over his storied streaming career.
Despite this, fellow streamer and YouTuber Charlie ‘MoistCr1tikal’ White was skeptical whether an AI tool could generate an artwork of the former Overwatch pro. The result was surely a surprise for him.
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AI artwork shocks MoistCr1tikal!

In a recent livestream, MoistCr1tikal was playing around with an AI Image Generator. The tool takes input of various user provided descriptive words and phrases, which are later used by the website’s AI to create an art piece.
During the stream, viewers urged him to generate a “realistic” and “beautiful” artpiece of his former PogChamps opponent xQc, even adding descriptors like “4k”, “washed colors” and “post processing”.
MoistCr1tikal was initially doubtful, wondering if the AI would be able to create an artwork of xQc, also doubting if the AI could recognise concepts like beauty. He was surely surprised to see the outcome, reacting –
"Holy sh*t! That's pretty good. That's like xQc for the Netflix adaptation"
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Reacting to the clip on Reddit, a user jokingly called the artwork “Zlatan Lengyel” owing to the artwork appearing to be a hybrid of xQc and the famous footballer Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Other users stated their concerns over moral issues regarding AI generated art.
As a user claimed this “highlights a worry by artists in the way AI is able to produce quality artwork with the press of a button.” Another said: “Can’t wait for AI art to slowly take over human art.”
Although these fears are justified, fans of the streamer surely enjoyed the realistic art piece created in just a matter of minutes on the livestream. As another user commented in awe, “That was actually very unexpected. Actually very cool”