Naughty Dog apologises for faulty The Last of Us Part 1 PC port

The critically acclaimed game recently got a PC port that has been received with mixed reviews.

Naughty Dog apologises for faulty The Last of Us Part 1 PC port

Credits: Naughty Dog

The Last of Us Part 1 has received mixed reviews from Steam users following its release on PC. Naughty Dog originally released the game on PlayStation 3 all the way back in 2013. The Last of Us has a reputation as one of the best games of all time. However, the PC port has encountered some glaring issues.

As of now, only 43% of users have given The Last of Us Part 1 a positive rating on Steam. Negative reviews have cited poor performance, crashes, and bugs. These include levitating non-playable characters (NPCs), strange character appearances, and inexplicable moistness during cutscenes. Some users have even reported that the game is “hot stuttering garbage even on low settings.”

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Naughty Dog addresses issues with The Last of Us Part 1

The Last of Us
Credits: Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog has acknowledged the issues and promised to release a hotfix to address some of them. In a Twitter thread, the developer stated, “Our team is working hard to resolve issues currently preventing some of you from experiencing the game to ensure it reaches the quality level you expect and deserve.” The hotfix is expected to address issues such as jittering on mouse-controlled camera movement and some crashes. The developers are set to release a larger patch including additional fixes for the game later in the week.

Naughty Dog originally scheduled the PC port of The Last of Us Part 1 for release on March 3. However, the development team delayed the release to March 28 to ensure that they delivered the highest quality game possible. The popularity of the HBO adaptation of the game may have contributed to the delay, as Naughty Dog stated, “And so we want to make sure that The Last of Us Part 1 PC debut is in the best shape possible. The additional few weeks will allow us to ensure this version of The Last of Us lives up to your, and our, standards.”

Despite the issues, some users have reported that the game runs smoothly for them. Players have praised the game’s story and gameplay. Positive reviews have cited the game as a “great game and story” and “one of my top 3 favorite games of all time.” However, the mixed reception is surprising given the game’s reputation as a must-play experience in the gaming world.

It is worth noting that porting games from console to PC can be challenging. There have been similar issues with other games in the past. At launch, the PC port of Batman: Arkham Knight was so broken that the developers were forced to pull it from sale. No Man’s Sky also faced criticism for performance issues and missing features when it was first released on PC.

While The Last of Us Part 1 has received mixed reviews on PC, it is important to remember that porting games from console to PC can be difficult. These issues are not uncommon. It is encouraging that Naughty Dog has acknowledged the issues and is working to address them with a hotfix and a larger patch. Players will ultimately judge the quality of the game based on their experience. Users have yet to see whether the PC port will live up to the game’s reputation as a must-play experience.

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