Night Market returns to Valorant in new patch after absence of 1 month. Here’s all you need to know!

Valorant has an amazing selection of skins and the Night Market provides another method of obtaining skins for the players at a discounted price.
The latest Night Market is set to come into the game from the 18th of May to the 31st of May in 2022.
Night Market set to return from the 18th of May
Valorant has one of the best in game cosmetics in the gaming world with new skin bundles dropping every 14 days. That is 2 bundles every month which makes one wonder just how much work the designers at Riot are doing.

There are multiple ways you can buy skins in Riot’s 5v5 tactical shooter. Each bundle comes into the store for a duration of 14 days and stays on the store from where you can buy it anytime.
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Another method is to head on to the store and have a look at your daily picks at the store which depend heavily on your luck so if you really like a skin, you should probably buy it while it’s in the store otherwise you’ll end up like ShahZam who waited months for the Ion Sheriff to show up in his store.
The third way is to buy the battlepass and grind the battlepass until you have all the skins that have been included in the battlepass. Keep in mind the battlepass skins don’t have VFX on them.

The last and the most efficient way to buy skins are the Night Market which happens once a month and brings you a selection of 6 skins which again is largely dependant on your luck but almopst every night market out there gets at least one premium skin so if you are wanting to buy a melee, the Night Market is the place for you.
The next Night Market is set to come into the game on the 18th of May and will be going on till the 31st of May so make sure you save up and try your luck at the Night Market this time around!
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