“Jald hi milte hai”: Agent 21’s identity and abilities teased in Riot Games’ latest blog post

“Jald hi milte hai”: Agent 21’s identity and abilities teased in Riot Games’ latest blog post

The developers included many cheeky references to Agent 21's abilities and identity

Agent 21, codenamed “Mage”, is about to become the latest addition to the roster of agents in Riot Games’ 5v5 FPS Valorant. The developers have dropped some major hints, teasing the lore behind Agent 21.

In a recent update by the Valorant’s developers, a message was included at the end of the post which had tons of references to the various abilities and the lore related to the upcoming agent.

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Agent 21 confirmed to belong to the Controller class

"Jald hi milte hai": Agent 21's identity and abilities teased in Riot Games' latest blog post
The attached image was titled “samosachaat.jpg”

In a recent blog post, titled the “State of the Agents” for September 2022, developers gave many insights into the methodology they follow in creating as well as balancing the various agents in the game. However, the fans’ attention was caught by a message at the end, dropping tons of hints regarding the upcoming roster addition of Agent 21, codenamed “Mage“.

The most outright indication given in the post was that Agent 21 will belong to the Controller class. Agent 21 joins the ranks of other Controllers in the game, along with Brimstone, Viper, Omen and Astra.

Other than this, the message had lots of references to water as Agent 21 is rumoured to have water-themed abilities. The writer of the message spared no expense in including terms like “swim in at the end”, “Controllers are in a bit of a drought”, and “I don’t want to flood you with too much information”.

There were also tons of cues pointing to the agent being of Indian descent, with the attached image having the name “samosachaat.jpg”, a snack enjoyed by the masses in India, and the image featured the snack as well. The image also showed a cup of chai, India’s take on milk tea. The whole scenery overlooked the Gateway of India, and a notebook opened with an image of India’s map and a Nataraj pencil.

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YouTube video

If there was any doubt about Agent 21’s Indian origin, it was cleared out at the end, with the message ending with “Jald hi milte hai”, a phrase in the Indian language Hindi translating to “Let’s meet soon”. All this confirms that Agent 21 is about to be a part of our Valorant games very soon.

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