Valorant: Reddit clip shows clever way to counter opponent Viper’s Snake Bite

Valorant: Reddit clip shows clever way to counter opponent Viper’s Snake Bite

Reddit user Inpharen shared the trick on the Valorant subreddit

Viper has been a part of Valorant ever since the game has been released, with many players making the American chemist the main agent they play with.

One of her most critical abilities is her Snake Bite, launching a canister full of toxins, creating a zone of chemicals that causes lingering damage to any person entering it. A clip has been making the rounds on Reddit showing how you can cancel the effects of an opponent Viper using this ability.

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Valorant Redditor shows a trick to cancel out Snake Bite

Valorant: Reddit clip shows clever way to counter opponent Viper's Snake Bite
The trick only works if you are playing with Viper as well

In a clip that recently went viral on the game‘s subreddit, user Inpharen shows how you can cancel out an opponent Viper’s Snake Bite ability, preventing any damage caused by it, proving extremely useful in post-plant situations for the Defending team in any Valorant match.

The caveat however is that you also need to be playing as Viper on your team. The trick is quite simple to use, when attacked by an opposing Viper’s Snake Bite, you need to self-inflict the same ability, reducing the rate at which you receive damage.

The logic behind this is that in Valorant, although you can receive damage from your abilities, it is quite reduced as compared to damage from the same ability being used by an opposing player. This trick comes in especially handy when the opposing team’s Viper launches a lineup in the endgame, preventing you from defusing the spike in time.

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Players using this trick must make sure their Snake Bite is thrown over the opponent’s for it to work as desired. Viper’s recent buffs have made the agent increasingly popular in the current in-game meta, with the Agent having a 44 percent selection at this year’s Stage 2 Masters in Copenhagen.

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