Valorant to add Favorite Skin Feature, reworks and more in future

Valorant to add Favorite Skin Feature, reworks and more in future
Valorant to add Favorite Skin Feature: Valorant is always coming up with several new features all through the year, and there are no exceptions even when there are no new episodes or act coming soon. These changes come through patches, and sometimes they are leaked before arriving.
There has been recent disclosure about certain upcoming features involving crosshair and weapon skins. The article talks about the leaks that disclose Valorant to add Favorite Skin Feature, reworks, and more in upcoming days of Valorant.

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Valorant to add Favorite Skin Feature
The game in its peak of Act 1 in the new episode with its new agent, Neon. The community has been overwhelmed with two new agents back to back and a new map all in the past 2 acts. Players might be a tad disappointed by the fact that Act 2 will not bring any new agent nor a new map, as the case is usually.
According to Mike from ValorLeaks, there will be newer additions in the players’ inventory and crosshair profiles with new features other than just map and agent reworks.
Executive Producer of RIOT’s Valorant, Anna Donlon, had also recently opened up about upcoming changes players like there will be more comprehensive changes to come in the following act. Valorant may soon make it easier to share crosshair settings, sensitivity, and game settings with friends.
The game’s developers aim to implement the profile codes feature in subsequent updates. Gamers are excited to know the features coming in the act of this episode in the year ahead.

Moreover, there will be an additional feature in weapon inventory where players will be able to Favorite/Unfavorite skins according to their choice. This would again give easy access like in crosshair profiles.
Players can share their Valorant profile settings with their friends by sharing a single code, which they can paste and change to their liking. Riot has yet to confirm that the feature will be implemented. But anytime this function is ultimately added to the game, it will be intriguing to witness.
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