“I am Toast’s favourite person!” Disguised Toast temporarily hands over his stream to the unexpected person he trusts the most

Disguised Toast let his favorite person take over the stream
Disguised Toast is one of the most popular streamers in OfflineTV. This is simply because of his weird personality that everyone admires and laughs at. Recently, Toast had an amazing idea in which he decided to constantly stream until his viewer count dropped below a certain number. He is calling this a viewerthon and to keep the streams going while he sleeps, he is playing among us clips and one time he left it in hands of a ‘babysitter’ who was his favourite person.
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Who was Disguised Toast’s favourtie person?

His stream read “Out at a film shoot- babysitter coming”. A lot of his fans were anxiously waiting for the babysitter to arrive, to know the identity of this individual Toast trusted enough to let her handle his delicate stream. Turns out that this ‘babysitter’ was none other than Yvonnie.
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What did Yvonnie say?
“Hello guys I am here to babysit for a while,” she said, “If you guys don’t know, I am Toast’s favourite person. Its crazy I don’t even think he knows that I am his favourite person”. She then proceed to tell the story of when she first met Disguised Toast and what her impressions of him were.
Read: Find out how toxic Disguised Toast was while playing Hearthstone here!