“I’m f*cking stressed” xChocoBars gets thrown into an extremely stressful situation by her team

xChocoBars had a stressful moment in Valorant
Valorant is an extremely stressful game and sometimes it has moments where you can hear your heart pounding against your chest. xChocoBars had one of those moments recent while playing the game with other streamers. She was left alone to carry the weight of her team which is an extremely stressful thing to do in a game that is already so competitive that it always has you sitting on the edge of your seat.
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What happened to xChocoBars?

Janet’s team was already in a 3v5 situation with the enemy already having taken control of most of the site. Janet got the first kill one Jett after which she did an amazing flick on the enemy Breach hiding behind a Sage wall. This was when her last team mate fell and she was left to clutch a 1v3
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How did she react to it?
She managed to push the site and get rid of Skye while she was in the middle of the plant. But this had left a few bullets in her gun as the Raze jumped xChocobars failed to notice that she was out of bullets on her rifle so she quickly switched to her pistol as both she and the enemy whiffed their shots. But in the end, it was for nothing as even she fell to the enemy and lost the round.
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