“I’m flattered” xQc confesses his crush on Pokimane

xQc and Pokimane
xQc is someone who is known for being extremely unfiltered. Sometimes this ends up putting him in a position where almost no one in the streamer community wants to play with him. The other times it ends up putting him in an extremely awkward situation which gets clipped and put on YouTube. In a stream with Ludwig, he confessed something related to Pokimane which left the Twitch community spreading rumours about the both of them.
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What did xQc say?

He was playing a game with other streamers which involved asking some pretty personal questions to each other which they had to answer. “Who is the most attractive streamer on the platform that is not yourself” they asked him. xQc was struggling to answer the question but its seems that Adept already knew the answer and encouraged him to share it. “Pokimane!” he said without as fast as he could.
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How did Pokimane react to this?
This video was brought to the attention of Pokimane by her community who decided to check it out. “Sorry! That’s not what I thought was going to happen!” she said as she continued laughing. She was confused because the title of the clip stated that xQc was a Tier 3 Pokimane sub and this completely tossed her expectations out of the window. “I will say I’m flattered, honestly that’s very nice thanks!” she said
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