“Oh my god!” Disguised Toast brings out all his Valorant skills to destroy toxic players

Disguised Toast used the Judge to destroy toxic players
Disguised Toast is known for being extremely skilled at Valorant. Questioning his skill would probably end up with the person being made to sit down. This happened in a recent game of Valorant where Toast and OTV encountered a bunch of extremely toxic players which really annoyed him. He got retribution however as he completely demolished them using the true and tested judge shotgun. One could say he ‘judged’ them for their toxicity and passed the sentence.
Read: Find out who Disguised Toast’s favourite person is here!
Why did Disguised Toast get angry?

Toast was playing with fellow OfflineTV member Masayoshi. Both of them are extremely competent at the game, but Masayoshi was having an off day. “I almost thought you were good at the game” the Phoenix player on the other team said and the enemy Jett replied by saying no. These comments were targeted towards Masayoshi and Toast say them as he silently plotted to make these people sit down.
Read: Find out why Miyoung was weirded out in a game of Valorant here!
What did Toast do?
Toast went all out on these toxic players, he refused to hold back in a cold rage. He took out the Judge and waiting for the enemy to push in, after the phoenix flashed Toast knew it was his moment. As Phoenix pushed the sit and flashed Toast he made quick work of him after which he proceeded to get three more kills with his shotgun, destroying the toxic bunch.
Read: Find out how Miyoung exposed how toxic Valkyrae and Sykkuno are off-stream here!