“You want to do psychoanalyzing?” LilyPichu instantly regrets trying to expose Disguised Toast

Disguised Toast and LilyPichu
If there is one thing memorable in the Twitch community it is the comedic duo of LilyPichu and Disguised Toast. Both of them are souls of the OTV sense of humour as Toast lacks a filter for his thoughts and Lily has a decent one. The best of their humour comes from them playing mind games with each others and the two of them have developed counters to their counters, but this time LilyPichu tried to be extra smart and Toast let her have it.
Read: Find out how toxic Disguised Toast became when he started playing Hearthstone again here!
What did LilyPichu tell Disguised Toast?

“I think he is thanking us because he knows he can be a little egotistical sometimes” Lily told Miyoung about Toast’s personality. She told her about all the times Toast has bullied them on his stream and Miyoung would’ve agreed with her hada it not been for Toast who stepped in to reclaim his reputation
Read: Find out why Valkyrae thought Pokimane was hot here!
How did Disguised Toast react to it?
“Lily you want to do psychoanalyzing” Toast replied to Lily and she denied it in fear of the horrors to come. “Do you find yourself regularly comparing your life to…..” he tried to tell her his analysis but she kept removing him from Discord in order to not listen to it. “Do you not like it because its accurate or inaccurate” he told her after which she told him that she doesn’t like it because he acts like its accurate.
Read: Find out why LilyPichu wanted to run for president here!