Valorant Gun Tier List 2023: Ranked Best to Worst

Valorant is a 5v5 first-person shooting game where players plant and defuse spikes in a site, and to kill the enemy game provides guns along with different agent abilities. Every weapon has its nuances and works distinctively. Few can be only situational in use and can work properly only if you use them in specific situations. knowing which weapons are better and should be used while low on the economy is quite important in Valorant.
Here is our take on the best to the worst weapon in valorant based on pro players’ and experts’ opinions. We hope that this will help you pick a great weapon that fits your playstyle.
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Valorant Weapon tier list

At the very beginning, we have the sniper rifle Operator. It costs 4700 credit and can penetrate walls. Its one-body shot kill potential makes this weapon a potent threat and makes players think twice before peaking at an angle where an agent is sitting with an operator. It’s very good in hands of agents like Jett and chamber who can instantly go back to safety after taking a shot. Maps with long lines of sight like Breeze, Icebox, and Fracture and B site of Pearl are suitable for using an operator. But a good sniping player can make this weapon deadly on every map in valorant.

If you like to spray a lot then this weapon is made for you. It’s an assault rifle and it costs 2700 credits. It has a silenced barrel and hides the accurate location of a player while firing through the smoke. It has 30 bullets in its magazine and has a fire rate of 11 rounds/sec. The only downside of this weapon is that its damage falls off with range. Its first bullet accuracy is considerably better than Vandal’s. Due to this, you can jiggle peak an angle while bursting 2-3 shots and can get away with imparting a good amount of damage. If you are new in the game and wanna familiarise yourself with the mechanics then you should use this weapon as its recoil isn’t that much and its recovery time is also very good.

Another 2900 credit Assault rifle Vandal, is next on our list. It has 25 bullets in its magazine which is less than that of the Phantom and its fire rate is also slower than the Phantom. But, Its damage doesn’t fall off with range and with a one-headshot kill, potential makes this weapon among the best. And we all know the satisfaction of killing someone with just one shot on the head with vandal, which doesn’t happen that much while using a phantom.
Look, it’s been a long age question in the history of valorant, which is better, Vandal or phantom? Honestly, it totally depends upon your playstyle. This discussion can last forever so we won’t be dipping our foot in that.

It’s a go-to pick for eco rounds for many players. it costs 800 credits and has a high wall penetration. Most of the time you can go away with the one-headshot to the opponents but after 30m its damage falls from 159 to 145 on the head. So it’s optimal at the point-blank range and medium range but it is sub-optimal at the very long range.

Well, we all know how Odin can just shred opponents with a blink. It costs 3200 credits and can penetrate almost everything in its way. With a whopping 100 bullets in its magazine, it has the potential to make multiple kills. It’s a deadly weapon in lower elo as players aren’t that skillful to just hit a one-headshot to these minks.

Let’s be honest, we all have been in a match where a player just clutched a round with a marshall. This only 950 credits sniper has a few good things like fast-scope animation, near perfect no-scope accuracy as compared to its counterpart operator. It’s been one of the strongest weapons in half-buy or eco rounds on maps where there are long lines of sight. But, skill sealing for this weapon is quite high as you need to hit a headshot most of the time to make this weapon remotely viable.

Well, a free weapon can also be viable in many situations and reliable for clutching up. One right-click burst fire to the body can cause a considerable amount of damage or even kill these opponents in close range. Nonetheless, even after some nerfs it received previously, its jumping right-click accuracy is still good and can tilt your opponents. Players often use classic with armor in pistol rounds to safeguard themselves against Ghost.

It’s a cheaper Assault rifle as compared to vandal and phantom but has downsides. This 2050 credits AR, has a slower fire rate, smaller magazine, and lower damage output. If you missed a headshot with this rifle then you will probably find yourself eliminated as both ARs has better fire rate. Its firing mode changes to a three-round burst while using the ADS. It’s a better option to pick at half buy round or anti-eco round.

It might be the best all-around pistol choice for the starter round costing 500 credits. Since many players do not buy half armor on pistol round, it can rough them up with a single headshot. It also has a silencer that hides the bullet tracers. It’s more accurate than other handguns and sometimes can be used on half-buy rounds.

Guardian has the highest damage among the Rifles but the problem is it’s semi-automatic. It can kill people with one headshot like a vandal, irrespective of range. It takes practice to handle this as shooting rhythm and magazine size are something to think about. If your economy isn’t great, and your feeling sharp with your aim then, you can definitely pick this weapon. Its ADS has a better zoom than other ARs. It costs 2250 credits.

If your team likes to hard push a site in pistol rounds then running down with the frenzy in a site is not a bad option. as it still holds some of its qualities even after its accuracy while running was nerfed. However, recoil and spread control of this automatic handgun is quite difficult, and has a relatively small magazine size. It costs 450 credits.

It’s a go-to half-buy round pick for everyone and justifies its 1600 credits price. Its run-and-gun potential and decent fire rate makes it a threat at close range. You should avoid taking long-range duels as its damage extremely falls and after nerfs, it received its last patch, people are refraining from using this SMG, rather they are using sheriff or stinger on eco rounds.

After some buffs, it got earlier this year, and nerf Spectre received its apparent that players are shifting toward using stinger more often on half-buy rounds. Its extremely high fire rate accounts for its deadliness in close range. Its bullet spread is absurdly high and doesn’t work properly in long-range or even in the mid-range. Like bulldog, its firing mode changes to burst fire mode while in ADS.

it is the most expensive Shotgun costing 1850 credits but is more effective than other shotguns. The full automatic firing mode makes it extremely effective at close range. Thanks to Riot games who nerfed it a bit as it was also viable in mid-range earlier. If a team is constantly hard pushing a site while you are defending then you can slow them with judge while camping in a corner. A player using Raze, double satchels inside the site and starts taking down enemies with the judge.

Ares has been always ignored by the players. Even after a reduction in its cost from 1600 to 1550 credits, this gun doesn’t find space. It shined for a bride amount of time in the end of last year after some buffs but after the devs increased the kickback and bullet spread it again falls into the gutter.

People using operator uses shorty it as a secondary weapon. Players camp around on the map in pistols and half-buy rounds to capitalize on this weapon. Multi-kills is impossible with this weapon as it just contains two shells in a magazine. Yoru mains use this usually to get some kills after coming out of their Ult.

The worst weapon of all is Bucky. It’s the cheapest of all primary weapons in the game at 850 credits. Before the nerfs it received in ACT 2, its right-click used to be deadly at short-medium ranges. . it went from one of the budget-friendly half-buy weapons to trash that players would even refrain from using it in valorant. People like to use classic rather than using this abomination of weapon for 850 credits
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