Free Fire Elite Pass Season 40: List of All free and Paid rewards

Free Fire Elite Pass Season 40: List of All free and Paid rewards

Free Fire Elite Pass Season 40 goes live today and the new EP has brought in so many exclusive cosmetics that players can check out. The new elite pass is titled ‘Quantic Unknown’ and it consists of both paid and free rewards. Here, we will list out all rewards of Free Fire Elite Pass Season 40.

Garena releases a new Elite pass at the beginning of each month that contains themed cosmetics like gun skins, backpack skins, surfboard skins, vehicle skins, and more. Each reward is unlocked by obtaining Elite pass badges and each Elite pass has its own badge symbol. You can get them by playing the game and also, by buying them with in-game currency, diamonds.

Free Fire Elite Pass Season 40 Price, theme

free fire elite pass season 40
EP Season 40

The new Elite Pass Season 40 has hit the servers today with several exclusive rewards included by the developers. The pass becomes active from today i.e., 1st September 2021. It is available in a couple of versions, the Elite Pass and Elite Bundle. Both the Eps will cost around 499 and 999 diamonds respectively. The new Elite pass theme is named ‘Quantic Unkown.’

Free Fire Elite Pass Season 40: List of all free rewards

Free Fire Elite Pass Season 40
Season 40 EP

The previous Elite pass Season 39 which is named ‘Wildland Walkers’ has been concluded yesterday i.e., on August 31st. The new Elite pass goes live today as the new month starts. Apart from the exclusive Elite pass paid rewards, there are plenty of free rewards up for grabs. Players will have to complete given tasks or missions to obtain a number of badges and unlock their free rewards to claim. The Season 40Elite Pass rewards include the following items:

Unlocks at BadgesFree RewardPaid Reward(Only claimed by Elite Pass owners)
0Gold x50JEEP Skin(Quantic Unknown)
5Banner5x Sumon AIrdrp
103x ScanAug skin (Quantic Unknown)
15Underground Terrestrial Female Jacket
201x Pet Food1x Weapon Royale voucher
25Resupply Map play card
301xGold VoucherBanner
35500x Gold
40Underground Terrestrial male Jacket Quantic Unknown Banner
451x Bounty Token Play card
501x Diamond Royale voucher Valiant Skorpina Bundle (Female)
553x pet food
601x Fragment Crate 1x Diamond Royale Voucher
65Double EXP Card
701x Discount Coupon2x Evo Gun Token Box
75100x Universal Fragments
801x Pet Food M187 Gun skin – Quantic Unknown
851x Evo Token Gun Box 5x Resupply Map
90300x Gold 1x Weapon Royale voucher
953x Pet Food
100Serpentine Shock T-shirt Razor Fangs Surfboard skin
1051x Scan Play card
110500x Gold
1203x Summon Airdrop3x Scan
125Grenade skin (Malovent Sting)
1301x Gold Royale Voucher100x Universal Fragments
1403x Resupply Map 1x Diamond Royale voucher
1451x Evo Token Gun Box Double Gold Card (7Dyas)
150AvatarRazor Blades Surfboard
1551x Summon Ai Drop Play card
160500x Gold3x Pet Food
165100x Universal Fragments
1701x Fragment Case II10x Cube Fragment
1751x Bonfire Play card
1803x BonfiresEvolution stone
1855x Bounty Token
1901x Gold Royale Voucher 1x Discount Coupon
1955x Evo Token Gun box
200Quantic Unknown Backpack skinMalovent Sting Backpack Skin
2051x Evo Token Gun Box 100x Universal Fragments
2103x Gold Royale Voucher3x Pet food
215900x Universal Fragments
2203x Bounty Token 5x Bon Fire
225500x Universal FragmentsVenomous Skorpios Male Bundle
250Elite Pass Exclusive
YouTube video

How can I get Free Fire elite pass for free?

The Elite pass has to be purchased in the game, and thus players can get the Free Fire Elite Pass for 499 Diamonds in the game. They can also get the Elite Bundle for 999 Diamonds in the game. It is not officially available for free. You can Top-up diamonds for buying an Elite Pass or bundle from Games KharidoCoda Shop or in-game shop.

How do you get 2021 elite pass for free?

There are several ways by which players can claim Elite Pass for free one such way is by watching live streams and participating in the events on Garena’s official streaming platform Booyah!. Several events run on the Booyah! Application, which is a dedicated Garena app for gaming content. In them, users generally have to submit clips and have a shot at obtaining diamonds for free in-game.

septmber elite pass in free fire
Image via FF India official YT channel

How do you get free diamonds on Free Fire and elite pass?

3 Ways To Get Free Diamonds For Free Fire Season 40 Elite Pass:

  • Google Opinion Rewards
  • Redeem codes giveaway
  • Booyah App

What is the difference between an elite pass and Elite bundle in Free Fire?

Each Elite pass set a certain number of Elite badges on each reward, which players have to attain to unlock the reward for claiming it. ELite Pass and Elite bundle cost various amounts. Elite pass will cost you 499 diamonds whereas the Elite bundle will cost 999 diamonds.

Is elite pass permanent in free fire?

No, each elite will run only for a month. A new elite is introduced at the beginning of each month and is taken down on the last day of the month in which it was released.

What is elite pass in free fire?

A new Elite Pass in Free Fire is added every month by the developers which introduce a plethora of free and paid rewards. It brings a lot of skins, cosmetic bundles and many more.

How many elite pass in free fire?

A new Elite pass is launched by developers every month. As of today i.e., September 1st, 2021, there are a total of 40 Elite passes in Free Fire.

What is the next season elite pass in free fire?

This new Elite pass season 40 has released today itself i.e., September 1st, 2021, the next season elite pass season 41 would launch on October 1st, 2021.

Also Read: How to get Free Fire McLaren Racing Parachute skin for Free?