Free Fire Unicode 3164: How to get invisible name in Free Fire

Do you need an invisible name in Free Fire or want to hide your name in the game? Well, this piece is just for those players. This article will detail how players can change their name to an invisible name in Free Fire using Unicode 3164.
Free Fire has unlimited room for customization for players who wants to make amendments in the game. Changing your nickname to make it stand out from the overall competition is one such aspect. Free Fire players will never have to settle for little and they can always have the opportunity to feel special in the game. The majority of the players wish to have a unique name with cool symbols or an invisible name just to make themselves stand out from the crowd.
For that process, they will look out for various ways to get distinct namestyles. During recent times, invisible names have become so popular and as a result players are looking to get it. But most of them didn’t how they could bring it into their account and this article will share a guide for it.
Get Invisible name in Free Fire

Players should use Free Fire Unicode 3164 to hide their nickname in the game and here is the process to do so:
Step 1: Copy the Unicode 3164 design (Hangul Filler) and paste it in the Notes section of your divice. To get the design, go to Google and type ‘Unicode 3164’ and click on the first result.

Otherwise, click here to get redirected to the site.
Step 2: Then write some random letters under the Hangul Filler letter under letter and copy the whole text.
Othewise, use sites like Lingojam to get letters in superscript form and paste them under the Hangul Filler. THen copy the whole text.

Step 3: Head over to the game and paste whole text in the Name chaning section of Free Fire. Change it with name change card or for 390 diamonds.
How to change name in Free Fire?

1. Players can change their nicknames in the profile section.
2. The next step is to select the notebook and pen icon on the top left corner.
3. In the space provided, players have to fill in their new nicknames and complete the process by using a name change card or 390 diamonds.
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