“You are taking away one of the crown jewels”- Lone Pine Golf Course to undergo subdivision as Riviera Beach City Council votes to build 250 homes

“You are taking away one of the crown jewels”- Lone Pine Golf Course to undergo subdivision as Riviera Beach City Council votes to build 250 homes

Lone Pine Golf Course

The Lone Pine Golf Course has itself involved in a battle with the Beach City Council here in Riviera, Florida. The City Council however has voted 3-2 against their own Planning and Zoning Board’s recommendation and finalized their plan to redevelop the 40-year-old golf course which is home to amateurs and a peaceful spot for the locals into a family residence.

The Lone Pine Estates were a nature’s way out for the local 354 homes living in and around the golf course who could enjoy the greenery and fresh air whenever they desired. However, the order is now set out to authorize a developer to build and create societies on 64 acres of land.

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The subdivision of the public golf course isn’t a popular plan among the residents living out there, but the owners of the course are in agreement with D.R. Horton – the renowned largest homebuilder in America to sell 63 acres to the company. Another angle to this for the locals is that they believe that their property value would depreciate in price as they would lose the ‘Golf Course‘ view.

Also read:- How many US Golf courses does Donald Trump own?

Lone Pine Golf Course won’t be a recreational place for long

Lone Pine Estates
Lone Pine Estates

The Riviera Beach City Council is certainly facing the brunt for their 3-2 vote in favor of their exhaustive plan to convert the recreational place of the golf course into single-use family residences with pools and all. Douglas Lawson – the Councilman said the final decision on the issue at hand will be made after the review process is completed and put to a final vote at the City Council.

“We are the red-headed stepchildren of Riviera Beach. I don’t even know why we are in Riviera Beach, because we are forgotten over here,” states Rochelle Baker Hughes, who’s the secretary of the homeowners association. Around 60-odd residents of the Lone Pine Estates were present at the council meeting voicing their anger and concern against the present decision.

Mayor Ronnie Felder was quite outright and blunt in his statement – “We are not going to run a golf course. We are a city. We are not in that business. So it is not the city. It is the owner of the golf course”. It is looking quite clear now what the future holds for the Lone Pine Golf Course and it’s not something that the local residents would rejoice about.

Also read:- TaylorMade brought diverse wildlife to the golf course as fans play- “Who’s who?” as part of a challenge

Also read:- “What’s your favourite golf course?”- Paige Spiranac raised a new question for golf fans

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