GTA Online Green vs Purple Alien War Explained

During the Covid-19 pandemic, people around the world were forced to stay home. At this time, people turned to video games as they had abundant free time, staying home all day. They constantly tried to partake and discover new things ion the game. This is how the War was born. In this article, we will look at how the Purple vs Green gang war came into existance, what were its effects and who won ultimately. This is GTA Online Green vs Purple Alien War Explained:

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GTA Online Green vs Purple Alien War Explained:
The Beginning:
The Day is April 15, 2020. It is another quiet day in the seemingly never ending quarantine. Different gamers are either returning to their old games which they stopped playing due to their busy schedules or are trying out new games. Subsequently, GTA Online is seeing a rise in player numbers. Due to the pandemic however, Rockstar’s offices are working at limited capacities because of which, there has been no updates in the game. People are bored and sick of doing the same thing over and over again.
Suddenly this video appears on the famous social media platform, Reddit. It quickly gains popularity receiving over 30,000 upvotes and countless awards. This quick but funny and unusual incident shows a gang of 3 players, dressed as Green Aliens pull over next to a player in a gang Burrito, beating him up and killing him with only baseball bats and fleeing the scene. This quick 17-second video would be the start of a war in GTA Online

Legitimate Imposters:
The video gains popularity really quick, and countless others post similar videos of them and their friends, dressed up as Green Aliens and ganging up on someone before leaving in a Gang Burrito. There is a catch however, they must not use any weapons otherwise they would not be considered a part of the so-called “Green gang”. These Green Alien Costumes could be bought at any clothes store. This trend at this point, blew up and began to expand to other platforms like Youtube and Tiktok, where Tiktokers who have never even played GTA Online saw a chance to increase their followers, and sure enough it did.

The Opposition:
There is no place where one force is at the top without facing any competition. About 5 days after the video released, and the green alien gang got famous, there emerged a bunch of people wearing Purple alien bodysuits. Their job was to roam around the city, find Green aliens, and strop them from ganging up on an an innocent player. Soon, every 2 streets you would find at least one of these gang.
The Chaos:
The weeks that followed was one of the most chaotic ones in the history of GTA Online. Players were constantly getting killed, their cars were being set on fire, random roadblocks and everything else. All the players were caught up in this fight. It blew up so much that even players who never played the game started following the story. It went up to the point where the players itself decided to end it.
The War:
The Green vs Purple aliens had gone out of hand. All of them wanted things to go back to normal. How could they abruptly stop such a fight. Who had won?. To decide this, a Reddit user posted deciding that there will be a final battle at the LSIA at 5 pm Eastern Time across all servers on May 15th. Players would meet on this date and fight to the death

The Aftermath:
It has been quite a long time since the events mentioned. Due to the complexity of GTA Online respawns and kill systems, it is difficult to declare a winner. Suffice to say, however, that both the teams fought to the best of their ability. The streets of Los Santos have now gone back to normal but this is an event that will be etched in the hearts of every GTA player
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