How to do Fortnite Week 12 legendary quest: All you need to know

Fortnite is a massive title in the PC battle royale community. The game is distributed by Epic games and has a big fanbase. There are many running events in the game. Likewise we take a look at the Fortnite Week 12 legendary quest: Hit an Opponent Within 10 Seconds of Zero Point Dashing.
Currently the Fortnite Chapter 2 – Season 5 is running and players can’t wait for Season 6. Likewise at this moment the season is in its twelfth week. Each week comes with various quests that the players can complete. Similarly there is a legendary quest this week that the player found challenging.
The Legendary quest this week, requires the player to shoot an opponent right after consuming a Zero Point Crystal. While this may seem rather simple, it can be hard because the potions expire very quickly.
Likewise the players are allowed to use Zero Point Crystals or Zero Point fish to do the quest. We take a look at the simplest ways to finish Fortnite Week 12 legendary quest.
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Fortnite Week 12 Legendary quest: Hit an opponent Within 10 seconds of Zero Point Dashing

The legendary quest in Fortnite week 12 consists of the following parts:
Hit An Oponnent Within 10 Seconds of Zero Point Dashing (5/10/15/20/25).
The first one rewards the player with 55,000 XP while the rest of the four reward 22,000 XP. These quests are very helpful in collecting large amounts of XP to level up their Fortnite Season 5 Battle Pass.
However YouTuber PerfectScore found out a quick way to complete this quest. The players just need to consume a Zero Point crystal or a Zero Point fish to start dashing. However the trick is to dash outside in the storm.
The storm will reduce the HP of the player. But for some reason this completes the challenge automatically. Players just need to keep consuming the potion or the fish to complete all the levels of the quest.
However players have started pointing out that this might be a bug. Many have tagged Epic Games on the matter on various social media platforms.
Alternatively players can take a direct approach and engage in fights. Moreover this will be most effective in the centre of the map where a hoard of crystals are available. Camping outside the box is a viable option as well.
Players simply need to takedown the opponent right after consuming the Zero Point Crystal. This gives the player a huge mobility boost and helps in the takedown.
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