How to make a Soul Lantern in Minecraft?

How to make a Soul Lantern in Minecraft? (image via.
Minecraft has a variety of items that the players can craft using the block and drops found in the world. Here we take a look at how to make a Soul Lantern in Minecraft with appropriate steps.
Minecraft has a variety of items that the players can craft and among them one of the most important ones are the light sources. Light sources are important because they provide illumination as well as stop monster spawns in the area. Therefore, to keep oneself safe in survival mode, players need ample sources of light.
The Soul Lantern in Minecraft is a light source item and also has some additional features to it!
Soul Lantern in Minecraft

The Soul lantern was introduced in the Nether update and is a variant of the normal lantern in Minecraft.
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Soul Lanterns are turquoise or blue-green in color and emits a light level of 10. Other than that they are completely similar to the Lanterns in appearance. However, contrary to a normal Lantern, they cannot generate naturally.
Players can put them hanging from a solid block on the top or simply keep them on a block to set them up. Players can also connect them to Chains to make better hanging lanterns.
Soul Lantern also has a special effect in addition to being light sources. They will repel any piglins within a certain radius. Therefore, this is a handy item to have when exploring the Nether and facing Piglins without any Gold armor.
How to make a Soul Lantern in Minecraft?
Players need the following items to craft a Soul Lantern:
- Iron Nuggets x8
- Soul Torch x1
Iron Nuggets can be made by processing Iron Ingots in the Crafting Table. Soul torches can be made by combining Coal, Sticks and Soul Sand in the Crafting table.

Combine the following items in the manner shown above to make a Soul Lantern in Minecraft.
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