How to make Iron Golem in Minecraft?: Easy guide for beginners

How to make Iron Golem in Minecraft?: Easy guide for beginners

Iron Golem in Minecraft

Minecraft has a open world system where players can create anything that their mind desires from scratch. In this article we discuss how to make Iron Golem in Minecraft and how to make it your friend!

Minecraft is all about creativity and adventure as the game features a block like world with every block being breakable and craft able. The multiplayer feature also lets players create their own world in the game with as many features they want. The world in Minecraft is wide and crafting recipes are the core of the game. To make anything, players need a crafting recipe and the materials required.

Down below we take a look at how to make Iron Golem in Minecraft from scratch.

Iron Golem in Minecraft: Crafting Guide

Iron Golem in Minecraft
Iron Golem in Minecraft

The Iron Golem in Minecraft is one of the strongest mobs in the game. They can be found naturally spawning in large villages, where they protect the villagers from monsters and attacks by raiders. But players can also create a Iron Golem in Minecraft to protect their house from unwanted pests.

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Materials required:

  • 4 Block of Iron
  • 1 Carved Pumpkin or Jack o’Lantern

Block of Iron receipe

  • Players can make one Block of Iron by crafting it from 9 Iron Ingots.
  • Iron Ingots can be made by melting the Iron ores in the Furnace.
  • Therefore, for 4 Block of Iron, players need at least 36 pieces of Iron Ingot.

Carved Pumpkin or Jack o’Lantern receipe

  • Players can find pumpkins spawning randomly throughout hilly areas or plains biomes.
  • To carve a pumpkin, players can left-click on the pumpkin with Shears.
  • Players then need to make torches with Coal and sticks.
Iron Golem in Minecraft
Jack o’Lantern

Crafting a Jack o’Lantern requires the player to put a Carved Pumpkin an a torch as in the image above.

How to make Iorn Golem?

YouTube video
YouTube: Stingray Productions

Players do not need to use the Crafting table to make the Iron Golem. Rather they can do so just by placing blocks in the world of Minecraft.

Here’s how to do it:

Iron Golem in Minecraft
Iron Golem in Minecraft

First of all place two Iron Block on top of each other like the picture.

Iron Golem in Minecraft
Iron Golem in Minecraft

Then, place two iron blocks on the side for the arms.

Iron Golem in Minecraft
Iron Golem in Minecraft

Lastly, place the Carved Pumpkin or Jack o’Lantern on the middle block for the head.

The Iron Golem will come to life instant and players will get the “Hired Help” Achievement in Minecraft.

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