“It’s gonna be turbulence for the next few days for him for sure” Mizkif’s confession about the problems xQc might face

In a recent stream, Mizkif talked about the situation xQc was currently in and what the near future might hold for him and what might actually unfold.
xQc also came under fire recently after he took on a gambling sponsorship and here’s what Miz had to say about it to his chat watching his livestream
Mizkif talks about xQc and his gambling sponsorships
xQc has been one of the most popular steamers of all time ever since he started streaming his absurdity on the amazon owned streaming website, Twitch.

Recently, he announced he would be doing a sponsored gambling stream after having stopped over a year ago after being called out for it by his viewers and fans.
The decision was obviously not taken well by the people and streamers alike who like to stay away from gambling no matter the cost. xQc however, had himself admitted in the past that he did in fact have a gambling addiction and that he did not give it much thought since the losses barely meant anything to him.
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Mizkif decided to talk about it after hearing what had happened on his own stream and said that even though people wouldn’t want to do it, everyone has a price and they would get a question mark in their mind at least once after hearing such high numbers.

Miz was later scrolling through reddit to assess the damage that had been done by xQc where he spotted the numerous threads on r/xQcOW discussing their thoughts and experiences with gambling.
He even spotted a user who had apparently gone bankrupt after a year of gambling which had started a year back after he started to watch xQc’s gambling streams. What’s even worse is that the person who went bankrupt was an accountant and knew the risks very well but had become a chronic gambler and ended up gambling his life savings.

After seeing the state of his subreddit, Mizkif stated “It’s gonna be turbulence for the next few days for him for sure” in which he is not wrong at all.
Also Read : xQc claims an extraordinary $119 million has been wagered using his gambling code