Julian Edelman’s dad discloses the challenging aspect of being a parent of an NFL star

Frank Edelman shared that it particularly hurt him the most when his son was being criticized.

Julian Edelman’s dad discloses the challenging aspect of being a parent of an NFL star

Julian Edelman's father on being a NFL star's parent (Via Imago/Boston.com)

It’s a true saying that there is no greater pleasure than seeing your child succeed. However, when you are the parent of a star as big as Julian Edelman– staying away from the spotlight and glamour is not easy. 

The former NFL star’s father recalled those days when his son was playing for the New England Patriots at the peak of his career. During his recent appearance on the Games with Names podcast, he also shared the challenges he faced as a star player’s parent. 

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I mean there was times in Julian's career where his mother and his sister would shut the drapes on game day and we wouldn't let anybody over because it first started out as a party. And then you know once Jules would get dinged up, it’s like okay you guys all got to go out, go, see you later, bye.
said Frank Edelman

The three-time Super Bowl champion had the full sport from his family, as they stood by him through all the ups and downs. That’s why, Frank Edelman shared that it particularly hurt him the most when his son was being criticized for losing a game or making any hefty mistakes on the field. He expressed the tough time dealing with the criticism of his son when the media and everyone they knew were doing it. 

If your child gets nicked up or if your child fails or makes a mistake, it hurts. 
added Frank Edelman

Apart from the unavoidable criticism, Julian went on to establish his name as one of the elite players in the NFL, alongside his teammate and quarterback GOAT, Tom Brady

Frank Edelman’s take on highs and lows of NFL parenting

While highlighting the struggles he faced as a parent of an NFL player, Julian’s father also shared that it’s the case with every NFL parent. He recalled the time he went to see Julian’s game along with his wife, Angie. 

Frank was made to sit separately from his wife, which he initially thought was “weird” but later found out that it’s the same way with every NFL parent at the stadium. 

Julian Edelman with his parents
Julian Edelman with his parents (Via Boston.com)

Moreover, he also shared how worried he used to get over Julian’s injuries, given he has a long list of them including multiple fractures in the foot, concussions, a broken arm, a sprained shoulder, and fractured arms. However, he realized that it’s a package deal, that comes with the glamour and prominence of the NFL. 

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