List of all Pokemons in Pokemon Unite right now!

Pokemons in Pokemon Unite (image via.
Pokemon Unite is currently out on Mobile devices and Nintendo Switch for the players. We discuss the complete list of all the Pokemons in Pokemon Unite that are currently available in the game and playable.
The Pokemons in the game are the characters that the players can pick up and play in the game. The game drops the players in a 4v4 or a 5v5 situation and the goals scored and points obtained are the main criteria for winning. To provide variety, the developers have implemented various types of Pokemons that the players can play.
Here is the complete list of all the Pokemons in Pokemon Unite that are playable and obtainable.
Pokemons in Pokemon Unite: All categories and Pokemons

Pokemons in Pokemon Unite are divided based on their particular strengths and their abilities to turn the game around.
Related: Pokemon Unite: List of all the Roles in the game!
Currently there are 24 playable Pokemons in the game that are divided on their strengths across 5 different categories. These are Attackers, All-Rounders, Defenders, Speedsters and Supporters.

The list of Attackers includes the following Pokemons:
- Alolan Ninetails
- Pikachu
- Cinderace
- Cramourant
- Greninja
- Venusaur
- Gardevoir
These are the main damage dealers of the game with ranged and melee attacks. They specialise in dealing massive amounts of consistent damage to the opponents!

The complete list of defenders are as follows:
- Slowbro
- Crustle
- Blastoise
- Snorlax
- Mamoswine
Defenders the main tanks of the teams and excel in soaking up the enemy damage as well as applying crowd control on opponents!

Here is the complete list of all-rounders in the game:
- Machamp
- Garchomp
- Charizard
- Lucario
These Pokemons have it all and can change the course of the game if used properly. They are tanky and deal some good damage as well.

The list for Speedsters are as follows:
- Gengar
- Talonflame
- Zeraora
- Absol
Speedsters are the assassins of the game and can deal a ton of damage in a short amount of time.

The complete list of Supporter Pokemons in the game are:
- Eldegoss
- Blissey
- Wigglytuff
- Mr. Mime
Supporters provide buffs and heals to the allies and can also de-buff players for the allies to defeat.
Newer Pokemons are being introduced with almost each major update and players can expect to see some other major arrivals very soon!
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Also read: Pokemon Unite Pikachu: Character guide for players!