Minecraft Chorus Tree: Location, drops and more!

Minecraft Chorus Tree: Location, drops and more!

Minecraft Chorus Tree (image via. Reddit)

Plants are varied and players may come across them in every biome and dimension they explore. Here is all about the Minecraft Chorus Tree that is a an exclusive for the End Dimension.

The End Dimension is a scary place with the Ender Dragon roaming on the Central island and Endermen populating all the other islands. The End is a vast open space with starry skies, no day or night and spread islands making up the entirety of the dimension. However, even in this biome there are mobs and plants that survive and thrive. The only plant found in the End Dimension are the Minecraft Chorus Tree and here are all you need to know about them!

Minecraft Chorus Tree

Minecraft Chorus Tree
Minecraft Chorus Tree (image via. minecraft.fandom.com)

The Minecraft Chorus Tree is the only plant-like block that spawns in the inhabitable End Dimension.

FS Video

Related: Minecraft End Dimension: How to reach, structures and more!

They can be distinguished by their tall and spirally structures and with small blobs of fruit and flower on the top. They have a distinct purple color with white lines running all over it.


Minecraft Chorus Tree
Chorus Flowers and Chorus Fruits (image via. minecraft.fandom.com)

These are only found in the End Dimension and are the inhabitants of the End Highlands Biomes. They grow on the islands on the End Stone Blocks.

Generation and Structure

YouTube video
YouTube: Stingray Productions

The Chorus Trees are very tall, reaching almost 16-22 blocks of height from the ground. They have coral like patterns and generate Chorus Flowers and Chorus Fruits.

Each branch of Chorus Trees generate a Chorus Flower, which eventually blooms into a Chorus Fruit. The Chorus Flowers act as the seeds and players can break and plant them in End Stone blocks to grow a new Chorus Tree. Players can break the Chorus trees using their hands or any tools they carry.

These are the only source of Chorus Fruits and Chorus Flowers and the Fruits are used as a food item and can also teleport the player. This can be further crafted into Purpur Blocks and End Rods.

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