Minecraft End Dimension: How to reach, structures and more!

Minecraft End Dimension: How to reach, structures and more!

Minecraft End Dimension (image via. minecraft.fandom.com)

Minecraft has a variety of biomes that the players can visit and currently the hardest to get to, is the Minecraft End Dimension. Here is all about this dimension in detail!

Minecraft is an open-world sandbox survival/adventure game with a variety of places to explore. Currently, there are 3 biomes present in the game namely the Overworld, the Nether and the End. The End Dimension can be reached only through portals that are naturally generated in the game and cannot be made by the players.

Here is all about the Minecraft End Dimension in full detail.

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Minecraft End Dimension

Minecraft End
End Dimension with Endermen and Chorus Trees (image via. minecraft.fandom.com)

The Minecraft End Dimension is also known as The End and it is a dark space with floating islands and is populated by Endermen and Shulkers.

Related: Minecraft Exit Portal: Location, uses and more!

How to get to The End?

Minecraft End
Minecraft End (image via. minecraft.net)

Players can get to the End Dimension only through the naturally generated Portals in the Overworld Strongholds. Players can use the Eye of Ender to find a Stronghold and complete the portal before entering it.

The Ender Dragon is then spawned which needs to be defeated first before unlocking the rest of the End Dimension. This has all the End Cities and other structures that will be discussed below.

The End

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YouTube: Shulkercraft

The End Dimension is a vast open starry dark sky with tiny or medium sized islands floating across the skies. They are made up of end stone and there is no day or night in this dimension. Notably, there is also no rain in this place.

Clocks and Compasses also do not work in the End Dimension. Beds and respawn anchors also explode when activated in this dimension.

Minecraft End
End Cities (image via. bugs.mojang.com)

The End Dimension has primarily the central island in the centre that houses the Ender Dragon and the End Crystals and towers. Players can either go 1000 blocks away from this island or go through the End Gateway that opens up after defeating the Ender Dragon to access the Outer End dimension.

The Outer island of the End Dimension are filled with Endermen and Chorus Trees. However, the rarest structures are the End Cities, which are filled with Shulkers and amazing loot. If the players are really lucky, then they might even find a stationed End Ship with the legendary Elytra item!

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