Minecraft Exit Portal: Location, uses and more!

Minecraft Exit Portal: All you need to know! (image via. windowscentral.com)
The End Dimension is full of mysteries and the first time players visit it, they have to fight the Ender Dragon. Here is one of the most important structures, the Minecraft Exit Portal and we take a look at all its features.
Minecraft is a open-world sandbox game where the players can do anything they want be it exploration or building. However, the game still has an ending and players can attain it, once they reach the End Dimension and free it from the Ender Dragon, which is considered as the end boss for the game.
After defeating the Ender Dragon, the Minecraft Exit Portal appears for the players and this is our point of discussion down below.
Minecraft Exit Portal

The Minecraft Exit Portal is a structure that appears only when the player defeats the Ender Dragon and it enables the player to return to the Overworld.
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The Exit Portal always generates at the (0,0) coordinates in the End Dimension and is activated when the Ender Dragon fight starts. The Exit portal is similar to the End Portal and has a portal that connects the Overworld and the End Dimension.
The Portal is 7-blocks wide in both the dimensions and is made up of Bedrock. Thus it is indestructible and players cannot mine it using a normal means in the normal game-mode.
In the middle of the portal is a on block wide pillar with torches on sides. This pillar contains the Ender Dragon Egg on top of it, after defeating the Ender Dragon for the first time.
How to use?

The Minecraft Exit Portal is also known as the End Fountain and returns the player to the Overworld spawn point. Upon entering the portal after defeating the Ender Dragon, the end credits will roll for the player, for the first time.
If the players jump into it, the portal teleports them. However, if they die above the Portal, their body will be teleported but the items will be lost forever. However, in Bedrock edition the items will return to the Overworld spawn point.
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