Minecraft Impaling Enchantment: How to get it, uses and more!

Minecraft Impaling Enchantment: How to get it, uses and more!

Minecraft Impaling Enchantment: All you need to know! (image via. Sportskeeda)

Minecraft is home to many Enchantments that help the players use and maximise the effectiveness of weapons, items and armor. Here is the Minecraft Impaling Enchantment and all its uses.

Enchantments are basically the magical aspect in Minecraft. Minecraft has a vast crafting system that allows the players to make a variety of useful items to progress through the game or make their lives easier. Enchantments are there to improve these items in the late-game when the players have maxed out gear. The Enchantments apply a variety of strength buffs, effectiveness buffs and more.

Here is what the Minecraft Impaling Enchantment does.

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Minecraft Impaling Enchantment

Minecraft Impaling
Minecraft Impaling (image via. Sportskeeda)

Impaling is an Enchantment for the Trident and is exclusive to the Trident only! This enchantment improves the Trident and improves its effectiveness towards mobs in general.

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Players can obtain this by finding it in Enchanting Tables and even in some Enchanted books that spawn in the Chests or obtained by fishing.

What does Impaling do in Minecraft?

Minecraft Impaling
Trident enchantments

The Impaling Enchantment increases damage by 2.5 hearts extra damage per hit.

In Java Edition, the damage is increased only when hitting aquatic mobs. These include:

  • Axolotls
  • Dolphins
  • Guardians
  • Elder Guardians
  • Squid
  • Glow Squid
  • Turtles
  • all fishes

This Enchantment does not effect Drowned mobs, as they are classified as undead rather than aquatic.

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YouTube: RajCraft

However, in Bedrock Edition, this damage will deal to anyone who is in contact with water, be it waterbodies or in rain. This is definitely stronger in this version of the game.

The damage for Minecraft Impaling Enchantment also increases dramatically with levels of enchantments as follows:

  • Level I : 2.5 extra damage
  • Level II: 5 extra damage
  • Level III: 7.5 extra damage
  • Level IV: 10 extra damage
  • Level V: 12.5 extra damage

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