Minecraft Zombie Villager: Spawns, how to cure and more!

Minecraft Zombie Villager: Spawns, how to cure and more!

Minecraft Zombie Villager: All you need to know!

Minecraft has many undead mobs that roam the Overworld and Nether realms and each is dangerous in their own way. Today we take a look at the Minecraft Zombie Villager and how to cure them.

Minecraft Zombie Villager is a variant of the zombie mob which can be cured and turned back into a normal villager. These mobs spawn naturally or are made artificially when a zombie kills a villager. On hard mode, every villager killed by a zombie turns into a Zombie Villager.

We take a look at the features of the Minecraft Zombie Villager and how to cure them to get massive discounts.

Minecraft Zombie Villager

Minecraft Zombie Villager
Minecraft Zombie Villager

They have a small chance of spawning when a group of zombies appear in the Overworld. Zombie Villagers are also spawned when a Zombie kills a villagers and the chance goes up with the difficulty of the game.

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A igloo basement also always contains one cleric zombie villager. They also have a chance to spawn in abandoned Zombie villages.

5% of them spawn as baby zombie villagers.

Zombie Villager Variants

Minecraft Zombie Villager
Variants of Zombie Villagers

The Zombie villagers that had a original profession when killed, will retain it even after becoming a Zombie Villager. They also have different clothing as according to the biomes they live in. These features leads to the following variants:

  • Unemployed (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Armorer (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Butcher (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Cartographer (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Cleric (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Farmer (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Fisherman (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Fletcher (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Leatherworker (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Librarian (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Mason (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Nitwit (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Shepard (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Toolsmith (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)
  • Weaponsmith (Desert, Jungle, Plains, Savanna, Snowy, Swamp)


Minecraft Zombie Villager
Zombie Villager

They are hostile towards players and other villagers. The only feature separating them from normal zombies is their inability to become Drowned after being submerged in water.


Minecraft Zombie Villager
Zombie Villagers

Upon dying the Minecraft Zombie Villager drops the following:

  • 0-2 Rotten Flesh
  • Iron Ingots
  • Carrots
  • Potatoes
  • Picked up equipment
  • Naturally spawned equipment
  • 5 EXP orbs for adult Zombie villagers
  • 12 EXP orbs for baby Zombie Villagers

How to cure a Minecraft Zombie Villager?

YouTube video
YouTube: JuregaPlays

Players can cure a Zombie Villager and turn it into a normal villager. To do this players need to do the following:

Players need to use a Golden Apple on a Villager who is inflicted with effect of Weakness. Players first need to use either a splash potion of weakness, lingering potion of weakness, a tipped arrow or splash effect from creeper explosions.

After the Weakness is put into effect, giving a Golden Apple to them will cure them. This may take upto 3-5 minutes.

After being cured, if the Zombie villager had a profession then the player can get massive discounts on the items it sells. This effect also spreads on to the other Villagers in the area but the discount is less.

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