“Started him cleaning bathroom floors”- Alex Rodriguez worked at WAHLBUGERS after losing bet to Mark Wahlberg in the think of WS

Mark Wahlberg and Alex Rodriguez
ALEX RODRIGUEZ| The 2022 World Series is in full flare as the Houston Astros will be greeting the Philadelphia Phillies in Game 6 after a 3-2 win. Though attention has been focused primarily on this year’s WS, past occurrences have resurfaced once again. Guess no one can forget how Alex Rodriguez lost a friendly bet to Mark Wahlberg at the 2018 World Series.
The Yankees icon is surely a man of his word, and he did abide by the rules after losing the bet horribly. Though what he had to do, was compared to nothing that Mark would have done, had he lost the bet. Guess it was a lucky escape for the Hollywood star. This incident proved that the former MLB player may be good at the field, but not at betting.
The 2018 WS was held between Los Angeles Dodgers and Boston Red Sox. Mark was a supporter of the latter, while Rod supported Dodgers. Rod had to have his punishment near Boston’s Fenway Park, as Mark noted, “You know what? He was doing it at our Fenway Park location and he really won over a lot of Red Sox fans, which is not an easy thing to do”.
Mark Wahlberg’s punishment was harsh compared to Alex Rodriguez

According to their bet, Alex had to do everything Mark’s brother tell him to at one of their Wahlburgers restaurants. Alex didn’t shy away from his promise but gracefully served the customers charming them his way. He prepared drinks, cleaned bathroom floors, and basically covered every job a restaurant demands.
Mark laughingly commented, “He had to come to Wahlburgers and basically do whatever my brother Paul told him”. “So Paul basically started him cleaning bathroom floors. He was cooking on the grill, flipping burgers, making drinks.”
Dodgers losing the 2018 WS and Alex serving at a restaurant is nothing compared to what he had in mind. If the Dodgers had won, Mark would have had to go to Yankee Stadium and perform on “Good Vibration” in his underwear. Imagine a Hollywood star live performing in a stadium in his underwear.
Compared to this, flipping a few burgers and scrubbing the bathroom titles is not much. Is it? Who would you support in this case? Mark later admitted, “I made the mistake of saying that I would go and perform ‘Good Vibrations’ in my underwear at Yankee Stadium”. “Thankfully I don’t have to deliver on that bet.”
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