“SHAMBOLIC” Michael Jordan’s ‘FLOP’ baseball career ripped apart by $3.4 Million sports website in explicit rant

Michael Jordan
When basketball legend Michael Jordan decided to retire from NBA, it took the world by storm. It was even more surprising when he decided to join baseball and play in the Minor League. Fulfilling his father’s dream was what he had on his mind- and he made it come true.
Jordan took the leap of faith when his father was murdered. However, many people thought that he wouldn’t make it. That included Sports Illustrated, who wrote an abhorrent story on Jordan’s ’embarrassing’ baseball career.
The brutally honest piece was actually titled “Bag It, Michael,” with the subhead “Jordan and The White Sox Are Embarrassing Baseball.” Not very nice. It ended up angering Jordan so much that he did not talk or comment to SI since they released the brutal piece.
The author, Steven Wulf, did not write those exact words. But he did echo the sentiment of the embarrassing baseball that Michael Jordan carried out. “Going back and reading my original story, it was snarky. And I was pretty hard on him. But it certainly didn’t match the headline that Sports Illustrated put on the cover,” Wulf said later, regretting the story he put out.
Michael Jordan’s leap of faith was severely criticized by a sports website

“I think he was rightly insulted. He wasn’t out to embarrass baseball. He was out to pursue a dream that we thought at the time was delusional, but we should not have come down on him that hard.” Jordan’s then baseball manager, David Falk, was severely critical of the story.
“SI completely missed the story,” says David Falk, Jordan’s agent. “Michael Jordan gave up everything he had earned as the king of basketball to play Minor League baseball and subject himself to criticism. He put everything on the line to compete, with nothing to gain. That is the essence of sports.”
“To this day, SI has never apologized to Michael, and he’ll never talk to them.” SI left a rather sour taste in everyone’s mouth, but Jordan went out bravely to pursue his dream. While he did return to basketball a few years later, he left his legacy in baseball.
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