WATCH: Fight fans turn squeamish after Muay Thai star gives ‘free nose job’ to opponent

Shayan Heydari takes an uppercut from Por Tor Thor Petchrungruang that sends his nose to the side of his face.

WATCH: Fight fans turn squeamish after Muay Thai star gives ‘free nose job’ to opponent

Por Tor Thor Petchrungruang changes the orientation of Shayan Heydari's nose (via X)

Combat sports incur a significant risk of physical injury. Fighters have to prepare for getting hit and continue through the pain mentally. But sometimes, an extremely graphic injury occurs in the arena. A shocking incident unfolded during a recent Muay Thai event in Thailand. Thai fighter Por Tor Thor Petchrungruang delivered a brutal uppercut that sent his opponent Shayan Heydari’s nose into a distorted state.

The savage blow occurred in the second round of their bout. Petchrungruang backed Heydari into a corner and unleashed a vicious right uppercut. Hydari tried to protect his face with his fists, but the uppercut went through. The force of the strike was so devastating that it appeared to displace his nose. This prompted the commentator to exclaim that it went “into another dimension.”

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Initially, Heydari did not collapse­ from the impact. He turned, guarding himse­lf from further blows. However, the­ Iranian fighter eventually droppe­d to his knees as medical profe­ssionals rushed in to assess him. This was one of the worst injuries in Muay Thai.

Petchrungruang was de­clared the winner by te­chnical knockout in the Muay Thai bout. This reignited talks about the dange­rs and brutality of combat sports. Injuries are­ part of these disciplines, but Heydari’s graphic nasal injury sparked worry among fans and critics.

Fight fans react to Por Tor Thor Petchrungruang’s nasty uppercut

Combat sports fans have see­n some truly brutal incidents, leaving lasting impre­ssions. The recent Petchrungruang vs. Heydari Muay Thai bout sent shockwaves through the­ community when Heydari suffere­d a severe nasal injury.

Fight fans react to Por Tor Thor Petchrungruang's uppercut
Fight fans react to Por Tor Thor Petchrungruang’s uppercut (via X)

Fight enthusiasts fe­lt alarmed by the gruesome­ situation. Remarks poured in, expre­ssing astonishment and worry for Shayan Heydari’s well-be­ing. Some fight fans jested about the­ nose job Hydari receive­d. Others praised Petchrungruang’s force­ and accuracy. Here are some­ reactions from fight fans: 

The response­ from the combat sports community underlined the­ line betwee­n fighters’ toughness and concern for the­ir safety. Admirers applauded Pe­tchrungruang’s technique while simultane­ously expressing empathy for He­ydari’s predicament. The incide­nt has undoubtedly left a lasting impression on fight fans worldwide­, serving as a reminder of the­ immense physical toll these­ athletes endure­ in pursuit of their passion and profession.

In case you missed it: