Fact check: Does Shaquille O’Neal own Brooks Brothers?

All about Shaquille O'Neal's deal which sees him own a percentage of Brooks Brothers.

Fact check: Does Shaquille O’Neal own Brooks Brothers?

Shaquille O'Neal (via Imago)

Lakers legend Shaquille O’Neal is one of the most dominant players the NBA has ever seen, and as a businessman, his ventures and investments have proven to be equally prevalent. The four-time NBA champion owns a percentage of over 50 brands, including Brooks Brothers, and has made numerous investments that have earned him significant profits since his retirement.

Over a hundred franchises, including car washes, fitness centers, and restaurants, have been launched by O’Neal around the nation. He established Jersey Legends, a production firm, and won an Oscar for a documentary about the legendary women’s basketball player Lusia Harris. He founded Majority, a marketing firm that has developed campaigns for clients like Sprite and GM.

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Shaq’s savvy investment moves date back even before his championship days, as he acquired shares in Google before their IPO launch in 1999 when their value was just $100 million. In 2015, O’Neal struck a deal with Authentic Brand Group, which manages the rights to the names, images, and likenesses of global celebrities, including deceased icons like Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley.

Shaq reinvested his earnings from the deal back into the firm, becoming its second-largest shareholder. This move allows him to earn a percentage from all of their earnings across various brands and personalities.

How Shaquille O’Neal owns a percentage of Brooks Brothers

Shaq’s deal with ABG sees him owning a percentage of brands, including Brooks Brothers, Forever 21, and JCPenny.

Shaquille O’Neal invested over $135 million in the company in 2015 for his name, image, and likeness rights. After working with CEO Jamie Salter, he worked his way up to the second largest shareholder.

Shaquille O'Neal
Shaquille O’Neal’s business acumen has always been laudable (via open source)

Brooks Brothers, Sports Illustrated, Aéropostale, and Reebok are just a few of the big brands the company presently controls. Reebok was acquired explicitly at O’Neal’s request, as Shaq has been a Reebok athlete since his rookie year in the NBA.

Shaquille O’Neal detailed his road to owning brands such as Brooks Brothers and partnering up with ABG in a previous interview with Footwear News.

I’m doing a deal with you to sell you 50% of everything I have going on for the rest of my life. Do you think I trust you? Why wouldn’t I be partners with you. We’re going to build this company together.
Shaq said in an interview with FN.

Shaquille O’Neal has made his name in the athletics community as a smart businessman and investor. Papa John’s, Krispy Kreme and Five Guys are some other brands that Shaq owns a percentage of the outside of his deal with ABG.

Shaquille O'Neal with his rings
Besides his NBA achievements, Shaq has also been successful off-the court (via FS)

He also owns his chain of restaurants called ‘Big Chicken’ which is based out of Las Vegas. His earnings as a player in NBA contracts are around $292 million whereas he has earned over $700 million in investments.


Q. How many NBA Championships has Shaquille O’Neal won?

Shaquille O’Neal has won four NBA Championships in his career.

Q. How many Championships has Shaq won with the Lakers?

Shaquille O’Neal won three NBA Championships with the Los Angeles Lakers.

Q. How many Finals MVP has Shaquille O’Neal won?

Shaquille O’Neal has won three NBA Finals MVP in his career.

Q. Does Shaquille O’Neal own a percentage of Brook Brothers?

Yes, Shaquille O’Neal has invested in the Authentic Brand Group which owns the Brok Brothers.

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