Has Lionel Messi surpassed Michael Jordan as the greatest athlete of all time?

Michael Jordan is known as the greatest basketball player of all time. There are several reasons as to why he had earned the privilege of being labeled as the GOAT. One of the biggest ones is because of the way he played. People claimed he possessed every skill in the book and his game was flawless. Despite all the hype, MJ himself has admitted being through turbulent times.
Michael Jordan was the type of player who could average 40 points per game if he sudden decided to. But with all that he did, the Chicago Bulls managed to win six NBA titles with him and his squad. Jordan also helped Team USA become the most feared group of athletes at the world level. He was simply that good.
Similarly, several other athletes are considered as the greatest of all time. Michael Jordan happens to be a front-runner in the debate. But after the recent FIFA World Series, the Argentinian soccer player, Lionel Messi may have changed a few minds along the way. Argentina had a rough start but finished strong during the knock-out stages and the finals. They beat Kylian Mbappé and his French men by penalties.
In what was known as one of the greatest showdowns in the history of soccer, Lionel Messi brought home the World Cup and completed his trophy collection with the ultimate achievement. Several fans claimed that he is officially dubbed the GOAT in soccer while some others feel like he may have even surpassed Michael Jordan as the greatest athlete ever.
Is Lionel Messi really better than Michael Jordan?

The debate may never come to an end. There is always going to be a great divide between people who agree on the question and the ones who do not. Both players have been nothing but game changing. Michael Jordan helped bring competitiveness to the game thus making the NBA the fast paced, man eat man sort of a race that it is.
For Messi, he taught the entire world about patience and determination. Ever since making his international debut nearly two decades ago, Messi achieved everything there could be achieved including winning the gold medal during the Olympics. Likewise, Michael Jordan did the exact same thing when he played during 80s and 90s.
Even when you talk numbers, Messi ranks high among the top players in the world, with the only difference between him and the one above being the accolades he has in possession. Similarly, Jordan happens to be one of two players in NBA history to average 30 ppg. And the debate between him and LeBron James still has MJ in the lead due to the number of accolades he had accumulated.
Also Read: When did Michael Jordan divorce his first wife Juanita Vanoy?
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