” I was trying to be nice to Isaiah Thomas but he kept talking behind my back” Michael Jordan admitted to wanting to be on good terms with the Pistons guard

” I was trying to be nice to Isaiah Thomas but he kept talking behind my back” Michael Jordan admitted to wanting to be on good terms with the Pistons guard

Michael Jordan and Isaiah Thomas

Being Michael Jordan means being one of the most hated among basketball players because he was just that good at the game. Players have openly shared their stories performing against the greatest calling him a snob, ball hog, rude person and the list goes on. During his career, MJ was known for bringing in crowds of people from the cities that were not even remotely related to the match.

Isiah Thomas and Michael Jordan
Isiah Thomas and Michael Jordan

But his nature as a basketball player may have been a reason for another NBA great to hate him. For almost 40 –years, Isaiah Thomas and Michael Jordan have been going at it and the beef has not been squashed. Isaiah Thomas has always spoken against Jordan ever since their playing days. While most believe it is because of the upsets the Detroit Pistons had given the Chicago Bulls, the reasons are actually all over the place.

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Isaiah Thomas calls himself better than Michael Jordan

Isaish Thomas and Michael Jordan
Isaish Thomas and Michael Jordan

A close friend of Isaiah Thomas had revealed that he began to hate Jordan solely because he found his nephew wearing a Bulls jersey with Jordan’s name on it instead of a Pistons uniform. Being a Chicago native, Thomas took major offense over the situation. Another incident says that it began because Thomas had refused to shake hands with Jordan after the Pistons lost to the Bulls in the finals.

“Jordan didn’t go through Magic, Kareem, Bird, if I remember correctly. Jordan beat, he beat us in ’91 at the end, and then he beat Barkley, Shawn Kemp, Karl Malone, Patrick Ewing. There were the people he beat. He didn’t beat Magic, Bird, and Kareem. Y’all been sold this story” said Thomas in a recent interview.

Michael Jordan reveals how the beef started and tried to be friends

Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan

Among all the alleged reasons why they passionately dislike each other, Jordan admitted that the freeze-out during the 1985 NBA All-Star game. According to Jordan, IT led the Eastern Conference team in a direction that commanded them not to pass the ball to MJ  at any cost unless necessary. the Bulls Hall of Famer would admit wanting to start over with the legendary Pistons guard.

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“Normally, I would smile and enjoy myself, but I was serious the whole game. It was a grudge game from my standpoint. And the next day, the headlines read, “Jordan Gets His Revenge, Scores 49.” That’s all Isaiah needed to see, It was a competition from that point.” He said.

Michael Jordan and Isiah Thomas
Michael Jordan and Isiah Thomas

“I always tried to respect him and be kind, but I always would hear talk that he was saying things about me behind my back. I just said, Well I’m gonna stop trying to be nice. Screw it. Just play basketball. We don’t have to be best friends.”

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