“Probably be 44”: Mitch Richmond talks about what Michael Jordan’s scoring average would be in today’s NBA

“Probably be 44”: Mitch Richmond talks about what Michael Jordan’s scoring average would be in today’s NBA

Michael Jordan with Mitch Richmond

Mitch Richmond played in the NBA for almost 14 seasons and won his first title with the Lakers in 2002. He was later inducted into the Hall of Fame in the year 2014. During his early ages in NBA Richmond was a feared defensive player and was named ‘The Rock’ by the GOAT Michael Jordan.

Michael Jordan shines high and bright in the NBA Constellation. His records and illustrious career is a great example for the young players to refer to because what he did on the court was absolutely stunning. Michael Jordan dominated the 1990s and with him Chicago Bulls rose too.

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Here’s what Mitch Richmond replied to Mark Medina

Mitch Richmond
Mitch Richmond

On Thursday, Mitch Richmond featured in the recent episode of “My NBA Journey,” hosted by Mark Medina. In this episode, they talked about Richmond’s NBA career and later even answered some Q&A from Twitter. As the episode proceeded Mark Medina asked Richmond about how much will he and Michael Jordan average if playing in today’s era.

“Well, I tell you what I would probably be able to play 25 years I know that. The game is not as physical as it is, I don’t think there’s much attention to defense also, but I still think it is fun to watch. It is still a fun game you can see how it has come from where it was back then to where it is now. No question my numbers would be up there,” said Richmond.

He later added, “Well, my best season I averaged like 25 or 26 and so, at least I would be averaging 30 no question. I would say that. If Mike averaged 38 when we were back then. What do you think Mike would average? I mean I had to be up in the 30s. Mike probably be 44, I mean I think I would be 33, 34.”

Indeed, today in NBA the defenses are not that strong how they used to be in the era of the 80s and 90s, the biggest reason is that earlier in NBA the defense was more aggressive and physical than compared to today. So, Richmond’s statement is exactly right because in today’s era NBA is more about skills and athleticism which both Richmond and Jordan would have dominated.

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Why does Michael Jordan consider Mitch Richmond to be the toughest opponent?

Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan

According to NBC Sports, when Michael Jordan was about to face The Sacramento Kings in the 90s, he stated to media that Richmond of the Kings was the toughest matchup for him and even said that he didn’t want to face him in Acro Arena.

When discussion about this incident started in the episode of “My NBA Journey” Mitch Richmond gave his take on Jordans statement. He said, “I don’t know about wanting to face… He had a hell of a team coming into Arco. I think he said he respected my game because I played both ends just like he did. And he respected me because I tried to stop him as well as he tried to stop me.”

Further Richmond added, “After all, I knew going up against Michael Jordan would be tough, but I’m definitely doing it to make sure he works at it and push him to the limit. That’s what he was going to try to do with me on the other end. He felt that energy on both ends of the court. That I was going to try to score on him, and I would try to defend him. I think he gave me credit by saying, you know, that I would bring it each night.”

YouTube video

If the GOAT of the NBA has appreciated Mitch Richmond it might be something which we ignored and he was underrated for his whole career. It would have been more exciting if we had the chance to watch this legendary match-up once again with the new rules of this era

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