New Challenges In Fortnite Season 6: Where To Visit Rainbow Rental, Lockie’s Lighthouse?

Lockie's Lighthouse
The new challenges in Fortnite Season 6 is proving to be a bit difficult for some players. As far as weekly challenges are concerned, location challenges are typically some of the easier ones. Players only need to visit locations to gain the XP and move on to the next challenge.
However, this can sometimes be difficult as some players don’t know the names of certain landmarks that are required for the challenges. It’ll cause players to wander the map in search of landmarks.
How To Complete New Challenges In Fortnite Season 6?
First off, a good suggestion is to visit Lockie’s Lighthouse, as players can then easily travel downwards to the next two locations via boat. Most players should know that there’s only one main lighthouse in the game.
Lockie’s Lighthouse is located right on the top-left side of the Fortnite map. It’s been there for several seasons now in Fortnite, so players shouldn’t miss this landmark.
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After visiting lockie’s lighthouse, players should be able to steal a nearby boat and head to Fancy Views. This landmark is on the far left side of the map, below Sweaty Sands.
Lastly, Rainbow Rental is just below Holly Hedges and above the far left of Slurpy Swamp. It’s a small set of blue, orange, yellow, and red beach houses right on a small beach.
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