Pokemon Unite Sylveon Nerf in new balance patch!

Sylveon Nerf in new Balance patch
Pokemon Unite is the latest MOBA game to release on Nintendo Switch and Mobiles and there is a new character introduced in the game. Sylveon is the latest Pokemon to arrive it is already receive some nerfs. We take a look at Pokemon Unite Sylveon nerfs that was implemented in a balance patch last night.
Sylveon is a attacker Pokemon that was released recently in Pokemon Unite and it is already up for some well deserved nerfs. The developers had over tuned the first two abilities that the Pokemon gets, Hyper Voice and Mystical Fire. Several videos emerged with players proving how strong the Pokemon is in comparison to others. This issue has now been tackled with a midnight balance patch, that aimed at bringing down the numbers of this new Attacker!
Sylveon Nerfs: Patch Details

The Pokemon in question was released only on 5th October, 2021 and is already under the nerf hammer from the developers. This is because of its excessive damage numbers along with being relatively hard to kill, in comparison to other Attackers.
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Sylveon is available in the game and can be bought from the in-game store using in-game currencies. It costs 10000 Aeos Coins or 575 Aeos Gems to purchase. It is a stronger attacker type which specialises in dealing massive damage but can also heal its own HP when the situation is dire.
However, the damage numbers were too high for this kind of playstyle, and thus the round of nerfs in the balance patch are here to fix that.
The damage numbers for Hyper Voice and Mystical Fire have been reduced significantly to balance Sylveon and bring it on par to other Attackers in the group. This will let the Pokemon still deal damage and heal, which is the primary playstyle the developers are forcing right now, instead of massive burst damage.
Theere have been many highlights by players and on YouTube, showcasing the extreme damage of this Pokemon, and in response to that the surprise patch was rolled out.
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