Project Big Picture could privatize and ruin English Football

Project Big Picture could privatize and ruin English Football

Project Big Picture has been in talks since a while now, but COVID-19 has escalated talks. However, the project has received harsh criticisms about it ruining the beautiful game.

Concerns about the Project:


With the top six driving the Project ahead, many are concerned with the league being controlled by them. West Ham, one of the clubs included the nine teams, are reportedly against this project entirely.  The Premier League and FA are firmly against the proposals. The Premier League warned the plans could have “a damaging impact on the whole game”, and criticized EFL chief Parry for his public support. 

FA chairman Greg Clarke had been involved in the discussions but said he pulled out after “the principal aim of these discussions became the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of a few clubs with a breakaway league mooted as a threat”. The UK government’s Department for Culture, Media and Sport were also critical of the plans, labelling them “backroom deals” that would create a “closed shop” at the top of English football.

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Premier League

FA chairman Greg Clarke commented, “There is more to our game than economics. Change must benefit clubs, fans and players; not just selective balance sheets. In these difficult times unity, transparency and common purpose must override the interests of the few.”

The Premier League is unable to make certain changes to the league’s constitution without the FA’s consent, while the FA is also in charge of sanctioning all competitions in England. 

Also read: Revolutionary plan Project Big Picture Explained